This study determines an effective method of removing the fixed and finite state amount of memory that restricts finite state machines from carrying out compilation jobs that require larger amount of memory. The study is motivated by the fact that finite state recognizers are incapable of handling compiler tasks that require large amount of memory. The study explained in details the technology of pushdown automata, though a sophisticated type of finite state machine but has enhanced memory capabilities. The method adopted in the design involved the use of transition states called stack, state and input operations. In addition, the method specified a pushdown machine as having finite sets of input symbols, stack symbols and states. A parenthesis problem was used as an illustration of the operations of pushdown automaton. The results were presented in diagrams and a control table. The conclusion reviewed the various steps followed and made projections for further reading.
Keyword: Removing the restrictions, finite state, pushdown, machine
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(3): 297-302, 2009