This article aimed at developing a syntax graph into a parser capable of being transformed into a translator, in this circumstance a complier. The rules of graph to program translation were laid down and followed religiously to arrive at the required program. These rules make provisions for various constructs or structures of the language. The parsing program was derived. In addition, the work discussed about table deriving parsing program as well as the rules of graph to data structure translation. The last part of the work is the translation from BNF into parser driven data structures that is based on context free grammar and automata. This constructs a recognizer BNF and also the meta language and symbols called EBNF (extended BNF). The resultant program is a recognizer for languages specified by the parser program not shown because of its length and lack of space.
Keyword:Parser, deterministic syntax, graph, program, meta language
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(3): 284-290, 2009