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Mathematical analysis of education tax in Nigerian private schools
In Nigeria, people of all cadres are compelled to be educated through the provisions of the Universal Basic Education programme. Yet, a number of Nigerians have not benefited from qualitative education. Although government-owned schools are affordable by the populace, and free at the primary up to junior secondary, their standards are on the decline as a result of the paucity of funds. To overcome inadequate funding of public schools, the introduction of education tax has been suggested in literature. This paper analysed the effects of such tax on private schools using mathematical models, and highlighted the ways for achieving the smooth functioning of the system. Three case senerios were studied: Case I: A flat rate of education tax per year; Case II: Education profit tax and Case III: Education revenue tax. In all, it was found that case I was the best option. This implies that the imposition of a flat rate of education tax has no effect on the fees charged by the school. In addition, suggestions were made on the ways for the smooth functioning of the system.
Keywords: Education, mathematical model, normal profit, tax