Paper Submission Guidelines


A Submitted manuscript must be an original contribution, not previously published, and, not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We prefer the articles and other material to be sent in a formatted text file like 'Microsoft word'. The articles can be sent by either email or air mail (Dr. Arun Kumar Agnihotri, House 4, Malherbes Street, Curipipe, Mauritius). The articles received by air mail should include typed material in double space on A4 paper along with floppy disk or CD Rom. The manuscripts which do not adhere the following instructions will be returned to the corresponding author for technical revision before undergoing the process of peer review.

Covering letter: It must include name and address along with telephone no., Fax no. (if possible) and email address of corresponding author. The author should declare that: "The study (original research/case report/reviews/etc.) entitled....................................was conducted by me/us as an original work and has not been published anywhere else".

Ethical policy: For the research papers containing results of human and/or animal studies, a high standard of ethics should be applied in carrying out investigations. The papers should include a statement that: "The research protocol was approved by local ethical committee and informed consent obtained from each subject prior to inclusion in the study".

Conflict of interest: If there are no conflicts of interest, the author should state there are none. Sometimes, the authors will have financial or other ties to commercial entities related to products, services and other aspects of manuscript. Failure to disclose such potential conflicts will be considered as unethical. Therefore, the authors must disclose any financial or personal relationship with other people or organizations that could influence their study. The authors should do so in the manuscript at the end of the text under a subheading "Conflict of interest notification".

Title page: It includes (a) complete manuscript title; (b) authors' full names (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms._________________), highest academic degrees, and affiliations; (c) details of manuscript (type: Original work/ Review article/ Case report/ Brief communication/ Letter to editor/ etc., number of text pages with references, number of tables, and figures); and (d) details of each author.

Abstract and key words: The author must submit a short abstract or summary of about 300-500 words indicating aims & objectives, methodology, results and interpretation. For brief communication, the word limit is 250. In addition to it, authors should provide four to six key words.

Manuscript: Headings should be appropriate to the nature of the paper. For original research papers, text should be organized as Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. For case reports, the author should organize the text as Introduction, Case details, Discussion, Conclusion and References. Other papers e.g. review articles may be subdivided as the authors desire. Brief communications are brief, but complete articles published in a special section of this journal. Manuscript submitted as brief communication should not exceed four printed pages including references, figures, tables and legends. The author may submit maximum 3 figures and/or tables. Manuscript must include an abstract, key words, an introduction, methodology or description of procedure, results, discussion, conclusion and a list of references. We also welcome letters to editor and consider for publication on the basis of space availability. Letters should be 1000 words maximum, including title, text and maximum five references. Tables and figures are not permitted. Individuals can write letters to the editor in response to topic discussed in the journal and to raise other topics of interest to medical professionals. Letters will be reviewed by editors, and the editors reserve the rights to edit letters for length and content.

The journal uses a system of primary, secondary and tertiary headings. As per this system, all letters of primary headings are in caps (e.g. DISCUSSION). Only the first letter of the secondary heading and proper nouns are in capital (e.g. Laboratory evaluation of renal function). Only the first letter of tertiary headings is capitalized (e.g. Creatinine Clearance Calculation). All headings are boldfaced and only tertiary headings are italicized.

References should be mentioned in the 'Vancouver style' like author's name & initials, followed by: a) references from books, (chapter's name, title of the book, the place of publication, name of publisher, year and page numbers) and, b) references from journals (paper's title, title of the journal, year, Volume, number and page numbers). This is the numbered system. The references are numbered sequentially as they occur in the text and are ordered numerically in the reference list. Do not order the references alphabetically in the reference list. The following are examples:

·         Reference from books, e.g. Padubidri VG, Daftary Shirish N. The Pathology of conception. Shaw’s Text book of Gynaecology 12th edition. BI Churchill Livingstone, New Delhi 1983: 154-68.

·         Reference from journals, e.g. Friedenstein AJ, Gorskaja JF, Kulagina NN. Fibroblast precursors in normal and irradiated mouse hematopoietic organs. Exp Hemato 1976 Sep;l4(5):267-74. The author should use et al, if there are more than three authors. For e.g. Molofsky AV, Pardal R, Iwashita T, el al. Bmi-1 dependence distinguishes neural stem cell self-renewal from progenitor proliferation. Nature. 2003 Oct 30;425(6961):962-7

Tables and figures: The tables and figures should be submitted in TIFF/GIF/JPEG format.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1694-0423
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