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A rural and urban cross-sectional study on alcohol consumption among adult Nigerians in Abia state
Aim: The study sought to describe the pattern of alcohol consumption in Abia state, Nigeria.
Methods: The study was a cross-sectional and predominantly descriptive study aimed at ascertaining the pattern of alcohol consumption in the state. Participants in the study were recruited from the three senatorial zones in the state. In each of the zones, urban and rural communities were chosen for the study. Data on alcohol consumption and other socio demographic data were collected from the participants by use of a questionnaire.
Results: A total of 2977 participants gave data on alcohol consumption. A total of 1549(52.03%) of the participants were men, while 1428 were women (47.97%). One thousand, six hundred and sixty three (55.8%), gave history of alcohol consumption, while 1,315 (44.2%) had never consumed alcoholic drink. Frequent alcohol consumers were 7.56%, while 30.5 % of the participants were heavy drinkers.
Conclusion: The percentage of heavy alcohol consumers in the study is high, and there is need for the various’ authorities to intervene to reduce the health burden associated with heavy drinking. This can be done through health education on the dangers of alcohol misuse at all levels as well as training and retraining of healthcare providers. Taxation on alcohol producing industries and alcohol drinks importation can be increased. High alcohol containing drinks can be banned from entry into the country.
Key words: Alcohol, alcoholism, substance abuse, Abia, Nigeria