Background: Common plants of medicinal values in Kolams are used as ethnomedical practices for various ailments and diseases inhabiting the Utnoor division of Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Aim: This paper provides data on 31 medicinal plants used by Kolams for curing various ailments along with their local names, method of preparation, mode of administration and use. Materials and Methods: Our collections of ethnomedicinal plant specimens from this area were deposited in the Andhra University Herbarium (AUH), Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. Detailed interviews were conducted on four ethnomedical specialists drawn from the six study villages of the selected two Jainoor and Narnoor mandals of Utnoor division of Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh. Results: The ethno-medical system among Kolam is quite diverse and the local knowledge is used mostly in primary health care. The vast traditional knowledge present among Kolam is mostly attributed to their cultural framework. Conclusion: The present study revealed the situation with regard to use common plants of medicinal values in the study area. 31 plant species from Utnoor division of Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh were used to treat 57 different ailments and diseases. Among these plant species only few species are used to treat more than one disease. Medicinal pastes are prepared from stem, root, and leaves to treat diseases by the tribal people.
Keywords: Ethnomedicine, medicinal plants, Kolam, Andhra Pradesh