International Journal of Modern Anthropology <p>Some recent rigorous studies in anthropological research begin to provide new conclusions against some classic questionable considerations and /or show increasing tendency to do some syntheses of multidisciplinary data. The revelation of these two events marks the birth of a modern anthropology. The principal aim of this journal is to contribute to the development of this modern anthropology.</p> <p>Another website related to this open access journal: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> en-US <p>Authors retain the copyrights of their papers, which are licensed under a <strong>Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative Works 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)</strong><strong>.</strong> This License allows readers to disseminate and reuse the article, and so will enable the sharing and reuse of scientific material. It does not however permit commercial exploitation or the creation of derivative works without specific permission. <br /> (To view a copy of this license visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.)</p> (Prof. Hassen Chaabani) (Prof Dr Antonio Arnaiz-Villena) Wed, 15 May 2024 13:39:58 +0000 OJS 60 Exploration of thyromental distance variation in relation with the height, body weight and sex in two ethnic groups of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria <p>The study aimed at investigating the thyromental distance variation in relation with the height, body weight and sex among adults of the&nbsp; two major tribes (Ibibio and Annang) of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. This is to ascertain the possible difficult intubation that could be&nbsp; experienced by any of the two tribes. Additionally, the study also aimed to examine the eventual medical and/or anthropological&nbsp; repercussions of this variation. A total of 300 volunteers within the two tribes consisting of 48% males and 52% females, aged between&nbsp; 18-50 years were measured. Results showed a progressive increase in the thyromental distance (TMD) as age increases within the age&nbsp; brackets of 26-30 and 31-35 years respectively, and a decrease within the age bracket of 46-50 years. Notable variation was seen across&nbsp; the ethnic groups. Annang males within the age grade of 21-25 years had the highest thyromental distance greater than 6.5 cm.&nbsp; Moreover, our result revealed that, Annang males have a higher thyromental distance than the Ibibio males, while Ibibio females have a&nbsp; higher thyromental distance than the Annang females. However, there was a large percentage difference between the sexes and the&nbsp; thyromental distances varied across the ethnic groups, with significant differences between ages, height and body weight observed within the Ibibios and Annangs. Conclusively, our findings revealed that the Annang citizens are taller and heavier than their Ibibio&nbsp; counterparts.&nbsp;</p> Akpan Udo Ekanem, Gabriel Donatus Edem, Mfon Ime Inoh, Kingsley Akaniyene Okon, Fortune Udeme Eto Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cheng Ho's Visits to Sri Lanka and the discovery of Oldest Arwi Script Found in Galle Trilingual Inscription <p>The study of history has traditionally been centered on Europe, and it is widely acknowledged that modern civilization represents the&nbsp; pinnacle of Western scientific and cultural traditions. Most people thought that Asia was a colossus that had been sleeping and had only&nbsp; recently woken up by contact with the West. There has been a significant shift in historical perspectives regarding the genesis of&nbsp; modernity. Recent studies have shown that non-European nations have had high levels of intellectual and cultural success as well as&nbsp; rapid economic expansion. With a magnificent trilingual inscription, Cheng Ho traveled to Sri Lanka in the fifteenth century. This amazing&nbsp; work provides the earliest record for Arwi, which was mistakenly thought to be Persian. Together with Chinese, it further emphasizes the&nbsp; significance of Tamil and Arwi. It will be seen that, a few centuries later, the extent of invention in medieval China amounted to an&nbsp; economic and social upheaval similar to that in Western Europe.&nbsp;</p> Faiz Marikar, Manjula Karunathilaka Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Business anthropology: An overview <p>Business anthropology is a multidisciplinary field that applies anthropological theories, methods, and insights to understand various&nbsp; aspects of business organizations, practices, and interactions within the corporate world. It emerged as a response to the increasing&nbsp; recognition of the importance of cultural factors in shaping business dynamics, consumer behaviour, organizational structure, and&nbsp; management strategies. It offers a valuable framework for understanding the complex interplay between culture and commerce in&nbsp; today's interconnected world required for more effective decision-making, innovation, and sustainable development within organizations. It is continually evolving, driven by ongoing changes in the global business landscape, technological advancements, and&nbsp; shifting consumer preferences. The present review article based on secondary sources of data provides an overview of business anthropology and its various dimensions including meaning, scope, historical background, key concepts, methods and approaches,&nbsp; related theories, ethical considerations, current trends, applications, challenges and future dimensions in a simple way, which may not&nbsp; only be beneficial for students and other interested readers to understand the application of anthropological knowledge in the field of&nbsp; business management but can also stimulate them to make innovations in the field which is required in this changing era of&nbsp; globalization.&nbsp;</p> Shuchi Srivastava Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Anthropology and the rise of artificial intelligence <p>No Abstract</p> Ahmed Rebai Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 15 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000