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Tiwanaku (Titikaka Lake, Bolivia) and Alberite Dolmen (Southern Spain) ritual “ears”

A Arnaiz-Villena
J Alonso-Rubio
V Ruiz-del-Valle


There are indications of transatlantic cultural contacts in Prehistoric Times: Solutrean artifacts (about 20,000 years ago) are found in United States archeological sites and also cave wall inscriptions which may be a early alphabet and are identical all over the World are abundant in southern France and northern Spain. In the present paper, close similarities of a Tiwanaku (Titikaka Lake, Bolivia) “ritual ear” and another “ritual ears” observed in Alberite Dolmen (southern Spain, 7,000 years ago) are described. Functionality of these stone carved “ears” is related to amplifying voice and communication between shaman/priest and prayers. Thus, a religious role is put forward for these “ears”, but not excluding other functionalities. In addition, Basque language is considered as a remaining of the initial old Iberian-Tartessian language; Celtic Welsh is now being translated by using Iberian-Tartessian. Iberians identification with Atlantic Celts (British Isles and French Brittany) may be feasible. Also, words of an ancient European language (Basque) and Andean languages are similar in phonology and semantics. Our findings further strengthen the existence of transatlantic cultural contacts, which may have occurred in one direction or being also bidirectional during a wide range of prehistoric time.

Key words: Alberite, Aymara, Basques, Bolivia, British, Celts, Dolmen, Iberians, Quechua, Spanish, Tiwanaku

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1737-8176
print ISSN: 1737-7374