In holy Qur’an countless verses are related to topics on the nature and the universe. In this report I try to show how these verses carry scientific concepts taking as examples some of those relating to anthropological sciences. In one of these verses God “Allah”, speaking to scientists, presents signs to what we designate currently the coupled Cultural and Biological Anthropology using eloquent terms which represent a distinct abridgement “…..variations of your languages and your colors….”. In another verse “…, Roam the earth and find out the origin of life…“ Allah urges us to roam the earth looking for the origin of life. This is possible by the research then the analysis of remains and fossils hidden in the earth. Thus Allah has encouraged us since more than 14 centuries; to study the past of beings included that of humans and, therefore to found the two other anthropological specialities: the Archaeology and the Paleoanthropology. In other verses Allah designates other important anthropological concepts compatible with the most recent scientific conclusions as that relating to our unique and recent origin or that concerned our genus definition. The latter is presented in a dazzling abridgment coupled at the height of the accuracy in the verse: “We have created Homo in the best elegant and upright form”.
Key word: The holy Qur’an, Major specialities of Anthropology, Modern human origin, Human genus, Modern human species.
doi: 10.4314/ijma.v1i4.5