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Cheng Ho's Visits to Sri Lanka and the discovery of Oldest Arwi Script Found in Galle Trilingual Inscription

Faiz Marikar
Manjula Karunathilaka


The study of history has traditionally been centered on Europe, and it is widely acknowledged that modern civilization represents the  pinnacle of Western scientific and cultural traditions. Most people thought that Asia was a colossus that had been sleeping and had only  recently woken up by contact with the West. There has been a significant shift in historical perspectives regarding the genesis of  modernity. Recent studies have shown that non-European nations have had high levels of intellectual and cultural success as well as  rapid economic expansion. With a magnificent trilingual inscription, Cheng Ho traveled to Sri Lanka in the fifteenth century. This amazing  work provides the earliest record for Arwi, which was mistakenly thought to be Persian. Together with Chinese, it further emphasizes the  significance of Tamil and Arwi. It will be seen that, a few centuries later, the extent of invention in medieval China amounted to an  economic and social upheaval similar to that in Western Europe. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1737-8176
print ISSN: 1737-7374