- Preparation of the manuscript

The journal receives manuscripts only in English from all over the world. Authors whose mother tongue is not English would have the manuscript checked by a native English speaker prior to submission. Topic of the work should be related to the different specialties of Biological and cultural Anthropology essentially the following ones (topics that need syntheses of multidisciplinary data are more requested):

- Human origins and evolution

- Genetic Anthropology

- Forensic anthropology

- Paleo-Anthropology

- Medical Anthropology

- Health and Population Sciences

- Human Biology

- Formation of the basic structure of the first bio-molecules common to humans and all living beings: Origins of life on Earth

- Psychological anthropology

- Anthropological linguistics

- Anthropology of religion

- Historical archaeology

- Ethnography

- Social Anthropology

- Biosocial Science

- Medical Sociology

- Medical and Health Sciences

- Applied Anthropology

- Design Anthropology

It publishes papers following several formats (the number of pages is a minor criterion: it is indicated approximately just to give a general idea to authors):

* Original Synthesis Article presents grand syntheses of analyzed data from biological anthropology specialties and those linked up from cultural anthropology specialties or vice versa. Syntheses must be original and provide new important conclusions, new theories or new methods and / or lead to resolutions to old questions or to convincing critic and review of questionable considerations (presented in about 35 to 45 pages of manuscript double-spaced). It could be Original Synthesis Report if the number of page is less than 35.

* Research Article or Research Report presenting new experimental and / or theoretical results on interesting anthropological subjects (presented in about 30 to 35 pages of manuscript double-spaced). It could be Research Report if the number of page is generally less than 30.

* Original Discovery Report (do not exceed 6 pages) is paper, which provides only the first information of discoveries in Biological Anthropology and in all aspects of basic Human Biology or in Medical Anthropology such as discoveries expanded from popular traditional medicine. Thus, authors could publish the corresponding detailed results in a second original article or in a patent.

* Review Article or Review Report reflect current interests on all aspects of Biological Anthropology and related aspects of Cultural Anthropology (Article presented in about 30 to 35 pages, while Report in about 15 to 25 pages).

* Critical Report (or Critical Short Report), in which anthropologists can bring out general ambiguities present in classic or new questionable considerations in any anthropological subject. They can also criticize data and conclusions provided by recent original paper. Critical Review is welcome.

* Thought Article or Thought Report, Editorial, and Perspective are welcome

* Commentary (Brief essay, limited to 1500 words, on scientific or ethical issues related to Anthropology), and Book Review are welcome.

The manuscript is expected to be prepared as a single MS Word document (12 pt Time New Roman) with the complete text, references, tables and figures. It must be double-spaced; top, bottom should be 2.5 cm and both side margins 3 cm. It should consist of the following subdivisions:

The title page must contain: - the title of the manuscript, - name(s) (first name, and name) of the author(s), - corresponding author (name and address), - authors affiliations (Institution(s), laboratory, University, the region and the country, and the electronic address of each author). Optional: The corresponding author could give his CV (in only 5-7 lines) that would be presented at the end of the paper.

In a second page the abstract should count 150 - 300 words and have in the case of original experimental papers, a structural form: background and aim, material (or subjects) and methods, results and conclusions. Key words (4 - 8 words) and running title (maximum 50 characters) must be indicated.

The text, in the case of original paper, should be divided into sections: Introduction, Material (or Subjects) and Methods, Results and Discussion followed by Acknowledgement, References, Tables, Figures and Figures legends at the end on separate pages.

Tables and figures should be referred in text as follows: Figure 1 or (Fig. 1) , Table 1… Each Table and/or Figure must have a legend that explains its purpose without reference to the text.

The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page.

All references should be presented in the text as (Esteban 2000) or (Esteban et al. 2005) and arranged alphabetically in the “References” section as shown below:

- In the case of articles (if they have a DOI please add it):

Chaabani H. 2018. New insights into human early embryonic development: a particular theoretical study.

International Journal of Modern Anthropology 2(11): 14 – 46.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ijma.v2i11.1

Cluzel P., Lebrun A., Heller C., Lavery R., Viovy J-L., Chatenay D., Caron F. 1996. DNA: an extensible molecule.

Science 271(5250): 792–794.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.271.5250.792

(In the case of references with many authors, at least the first five authors must be indicated).

- In the case of books (if possible you add the ISBN):

Guessoum N. 2015. Islam, Big Bang et Darwin. Ed. Dervy. Paris. ISBN: 979-1-02-420089-7

- Submission & Publication Ethics Statement

The journal receives manuscripts only in English: Each manuscript should be accompanied by a covering letter, signed by the corresponding author, which states the following:

- The manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors.

- It is not under active consideration for publication, has not been accepted for publication, nor has it been published, in full or in part (except in abstract form).

- When the manuscript is accepted (with or without rectifications) authors commit to continue with the process of publication steps.

- The authors should declare that there is no conflict of interest relating to their submitted studies.

- When studies concern human subjects, authors should indicate that they have respected the ethical standards.

 - E. mail of all authors must be given

Editors maintain high standards with strict ethical policies: Any contraventions of professional ethical codes, such as plagiarism, should be taken very seriously by the editors (Plagiarized manuscripts, even partially, will be rejected immediately). The Editors and the publisher of the journal are not responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by the authors. However, they should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

Manuscripts should be sent in two files (Microsoft Office Word & PDF) to Pr Hassen Chaabani by E. mail: hassenchaabani@gmail.com.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1737-8176
print ISSN: 1737-7374
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