The International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensic (IJSPDF) Published and Managed by Nigeria Computer Society (NCS) welcomes submission of complete and original research manuscripts, which are not under review in any other conference or journal. The Journal welcomes article in the following areas but not limited to Information Management, Information Security, Communication Security, Data Privacy, Trust, Digital Forensics, Hacking, Cyber Attacks Detection and Prevention, Application and Database Security, Cybersecurity, Forensics Computing, Cryptography, Information Security Standards and Laws, Fraud detection, Intrusion Detection, Security Management and more.

Only documents which have not been published/copyrighted or not been submitted for publication elsewhere, will be considered for review and possible publication. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) will be required to transfer copyright to the Nigeria Computer Society Manuscripts (in MS Word) can be submitted online to Submitted manuscripts written in English must not carry the names of the authors and their affiliations. IEEE article preparation format template must be used by authors. All papers undergo an initial review by the journal's editor-in-chief. After a positive initial review, papers undergo a blind review process by two or more subject matter experts. Reviews are received by the editor-in-chief, who then provides the author with an editor's report that includes the final recommendation a conditional acceptance, a request for further revisions, or rejection.

Authors are encouraged to upload their submission through the following link:

Alternatively, submissions may be forwarded directly to the Editor-in-Chief:
Prof. Adesina S. Sodiya
Department of Computer Sciences Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

Manuscripts should adhere strictly to the followings:
1. The document must be written in English (MS Word), single-spaced, double column, 12-point Times New Roman on A4-size paper.
2. The first page of the manuscript should contain the following:
a) Title of the paper (not more than 45 characters).
b) The name(s) of authors), corresponding author should be indicated.
c) Authors' names and addresses should be centered below the Manuscript title and the email address of each author directly below author’s names and address.
d) An abstract not exceeding 200 words (formulae are not counted).
e) About 4 to 6 keywords should follow the abstract as a subheading.
3. The reviewing process will be double-blind, hence, information about the authors must be omitted in the Initial (yet to be reviewed) submission. Papers that violate this anonymity requirement will be returned without review.
4. Authors are advised not to number the pages.
5. Major headings and subheadings should be numbered sequentially (1.0, 1.1, 1.1.1 etc). They should start at the left-hand on a separate line.
6. All tables and figures must be given sequential numbers (1.2.3, etc.) and have a caption placed below the figure (“Fig 1: Figure caption”) or above the table ("Table 1: Table caption") being described.
7. Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Equation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and flushed right. Equations should be referred to as Eq. (X) in the text where X is the equation number. In multiple-line equations, the number should be given on the last line.
8. The Journal primarily uses the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Style for publications and authors should adopt this style. In this style, citations are numbered and the citations numbers are included in the text in square brackets. At the end of the document, there comes the lists of references that exclusively includes all bibliographical information next to the respective citation number. For more information about authors' guidelines, including citation styles,

General Information:
Proofs: Proofs will be sent to the nominated author to check typesetting accuracy. No changes to the original manuscripts are accepted at this stage. Proofs should be returned within seven days or receipt.
Reprints: Reprints may be ordered (pre-paid) at prices shown on the reprint order form which will be sent to the author together with the proofs. To subscribe for the journal, kindly fill the subscription form on the journal website or contact the Editor-in-chief.
Page Charge: Please note that there will be a page charge of twenty thousand Naira (N20,000) for each article accepted for publication in the journal.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2636-6134
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