Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2025-03-24T08:27:26+00:00 Prof. Dennis N. Ocholla Open Journal Systems <p>The journal’s objectives are to publish papers of broad interest in the humanities and social sciences. The journal strives to enable a sound balance between theory and practice and will publish papers of research, conceptual, viewpoint, case study, literature review nature in broad topics in the field such as: Philosophy and Psychology, Religion and Theology, Social Sciences, Language, the Arts, Literature and Rhetoric, Geography and History, Management, Communication, Media and Information Sciences. <br><br>The Journal has its own website here: <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Navigating the complex landscape of African thought 2025-03-20T11:28:18+00:00 Allucia L. Shokane Mogomme A. Masoga <p>No Abstract</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The logic, life, language and limit of contractarianism on punishment 2025-03-20T11:32:55+00:00 William Idowu <p>The objective of this article is the critical assessment of contractarianism as an alternative approach to the justification of punishment. In&nbsp; doing this, the article focused on the logic, life, language and limit of contractarianism. The article discovered that even though the theory&nbsp; of contractarianism, when viewed from the perspectives of its life, logic, language and limit, is not a completely convincing&nbsp; alternative to traditional theories on the justification of punishment, however, it expresses emphasis on the unambiguous utility of the&nbsp; social contract idea in the justification of punishment. Also, the article discovered that contractarianism, in its theoretical justification of&nbsp; punishment, hinges on contractarian ideals such as human rationality, consent, voluntary commitment, agreement, enjoyments of&nbsp; benefits and the desire to see to the sustenance of society, as a morally acceptable and praiseworthy basis for the justification.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: The article concluded that an essential part to the merit of this theory of punishment is its positive allusion to and&nbsp; plausible accommodation and acknowledgement of the philosophy of preservationism.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aunty with a Key: Aunties’ power, status and authority in African traditional ceremonies 2025-03-20T11:37:47+00:00 Phemelo C. Hellemann Thoko Sipungu <p>This article offers personal reflections and scholarly observations that identify the significance of maternal and paternal aunties in bogadi&nbsp; and ulwaluko traditional ceremonies. Bogadi is a Tswana marital and thanksgiving ceremony between two families. It is a rite of&nbsp; passage for the newlyweds as they are inducted into marriage. Ulwaluko is an initiation of Xhosa boys into manhood. Through an African&nbsp; Feminist lens and an analytic autoethnographic methodology, the authors narrate personal experiences of their aunties roles in closed&nbsp; ceremonial interactions that highlighted the key role African women play in cultural rituals. Findings show that aunties are revered in&nbsp; African ceremonies. In both bogadi and ulwaluko ceremonies, it was evident that we revere aunties as intellectual and moral gatekeepers&nbsp; during these special cultural events.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: The article adds to the growing literature that seeks to write about African women positively through an empowering lens that shows their agency in cultural settings.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The ‘brown envelope syndrome’: Culture of bribery and ethics at the crossroads 2025-03-24T06:38:54+00:00 Kelebogile T. Resane <p>This article unravels the destructive practice of bribery, which is ingrained in South African culture. Through the scenarios in the public&nbsp; transport industry and literature review, the article reveals that indeed bribery is a reality to reckon with. It is observed in all tiers of&nbsp; society such as politics, businesses and religious circles. Bribery explained as a ‘brown envelope syndrome’ is rife in the South African&nbsp; socio-political landscape. The objective of this article is to enlighten the readers that bribery from socio-theological perspectives is&nbsp; ethically unacceptable. It promotes corrupt political accountability, economic inequality, social disrespect and religious hypocrisy. The&nbsp; article starts with personal scenarios and then delves into the definition of bribery as payment in a form of money, favours or gifts, to&nbsp; influence a decision, to receive favours in turn, facilitate fast delivery of goods, gain an unfair advantage, avoid legal prosecution or to&nbsp; supply substandard products or services. The second part of the artilce discusses how bribery clashes with Christian ethics as pointed by&nbsp; Jesus in Mark 7:21–22, as bribery lies buried in human hearts and manifests itself in different sins. There is a clear biblical condemnation of bribery as detestable, and that by all means possible, it should be proscribed. Bribery in political circles is known as ‘brown envelope’,&nbsp; which means the currency exchanges between the corrupt and the corrupted. Solutions suggested is that citizens in their national democracies should break out of the shell and become vocal against bribery. The church should emerge behind the trees and come up&nbsp; with prophetic discernment, wisdom and be vocal against bribery. Personally, those exposed to bribery situations must maintain wisdom&nbsp; and learn how to refuse offers without endangering themselves. This research unravels bribery and its devastating effects of promoting&nbsp; corrupt political accountability, economic inequality, social disrespect and religious hypocrisy. Contribution: This article calls for&nbsp; communities and churches to be vocal against bribery and encourages personal accountability when confronted with bribery offers.</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Understanding female students’ risk perceptions of developing breast cancer at Great Zimbabwe University 2025-03-24T07:04:06+00:00 Isaac Nyambiya Clarice P. Mudzengi Shayne Nago <p>This article focuses on breast cancer as the second most prevalent cancer in Zimbabwe. However, despite several local studies on breast&nbsp; cancer and its risk factors, the incidence rate of the disease in the country is increasing. This article sought to establish the level of&nbsp; awareness of the risk factors of breast cancer among female students. The study was carried out at Great Zimbabwe University, an&nbsp; institution of higher learning in Masvingo province, Zimbabwe. A mixed methods approach was employed involving a focus group&nbsp; discussion comprising eight key informants and online individual questionnaires with open and closed questions used to capture&nbsp; attitudes of female students towards breast cancer. Risk factors were categorised into age, family history, reproductive factors,&nbsp; oestrogen, and lifestyle. There were also some cultural beliefs like bewitchment and myths about black brassieres causing breast cancer.&nbsp; Thus, there is need for educative campaigns to disseminate breast cancer information, especially promoting regular screening and&nbsp; awareness of predisposing factors. Additionally, more regular and in-depth studies on breast cancer in Zimbabwe are imperative as our&nbsp; results show a higher prevalence rate than current official statistics. The research provides relevant information for pastoral caretakers&nbsp; handling trauma in the discipline of practical theology.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: This article represents an intersection between practical theology&nbsp; and basic health care. Insights resulted from this study provide a baseline upon which to develop ways to reduce prevalence of breast&nbsp; cancer. The research can also be utilised by specialists in pastoral care and women theologies.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The synergistic implications of COVID-19, public health and environmental ethics in Kenya 2025-03-24T07:24:40+00:00 Telesia K. Musili <p>COVID-19 is a global pandemic that has unmasked the underlying and once-ignored challenges in public health, especially in Africa. The&nbsp; pandemic has adversely disrupted people’s lives where systemic and structural inequalities have taken root owing to the interaction&nbsp; among religious, political, economic, socio-cultural, environmental and other influential factors, resulting in adverse outcomes. These&nbsp; interactions affected not only the psychological, physical, emotional and social wellbeing of all humanity but also their ethical way of&nbsp; thinking. Adherence to the local government ministry of health’s stringent measures, such as voluntary self-quarantine or forced&nbsp; quarantine, may be unattainable. This raises several ethical issues that are not new but which become intensified in pressing situations.&nbsp; Ethically, legitimate public health measures and conservative environmental efforts are easier to voluntarily comply with than being&nbsp; enforced. In this article, a phenomenological methodology was employed to not only debunk the ethical difficulties in adhering to the&nbsp; pandemic’s preventive protocols, but also to reason on the entwinement between the public health and environmental concerns. The&nbsp; article foregrounded that the COVID-19 pandemic is both a healthcare crisis and an environmental ethics challenge. In focussing on how&nbsp; systemic and structural inequalities influence social life, the article argued that public health ethics informs environmental conservation&nbsp; towards a more holistic approach to health and wealth that flows from environmental health ethics.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: The article advanced&nbsp; ongoing discussions on environmental health ethics. Environmental health ethics is a transdisciplinary and integrated approach that&nbsp; upholds sustainable balance and optimisation of the health of people, animals and ecosystems. A sensitisation and realisation of our&nbsp; inter-webbed relatedness to all, is a major step towards sustainable health and wealth.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 COVID-19 vaccines, sexual reproductive health and rights: Negotiating sensitive terrain in Zimbabwe 2025-03-24T07:39:59+00:00 Molly Manyonganise <p>The COVID-19 period caused a lot of suffering globally, as millions lost their lives while others went through the pain of being infected.&nbsp; The introduction of vaccines to minimise chances of infection and death was a welcome development. However, it was also fraught with&nbsp; its own challenges in the area of sexual health and rights of both women and men. Scholarship on gender and religion noted the way&nbsp; women failed to access contraception in a period in which sexual activity had increased as most couples were together for long periods of&nbsp; time. The introduction of vaccines was accompanied by a lot of misinformation. Lack of clarity on the effect of the vaccines on&nbsp; pregnant and lactating mothers caused a lot of anxiety. This was exacerbated by the information that was being circulated on social&nbsp; media platforms that the vaccines would interfere with individuals’ reproductive capacity. Yet African religio-cultural beliefs and practices&nbsp; place so much importance on both women and men’s ability to have children. In fact, one’s respectability in African indigenous societies&nbsp; is greatly linked to their ability to have children. This article seeks to examine the fears of some Zimbabweans to accept COVID-19&nbsp; vaccines, establishing how these fears were tied to issues of sexual reproductive health and rights. The article focuses on showing how&nbsp; the terrain of sexual health and rights is a sensitive one which called for caution in a COVID-19 context in Zimbabwe. Data for the article&nbsp; were gathered through informal interviews and social media platforms.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: The article makes a significant contribution to the&nbsp; way COVID-19 interfaced with issues to do with SRHR in Zimbabwe. </p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Shifting notions in maternal health of Johane Masowe Chishanu of Chitekete, Gokwe, Zimbabwe 2025-03-24T07:51:11+00:00 Trevor Nkomo Macloud Sipeyiye <p>The study explores the maternal health delivery system of Johane Masowe Chishanu of Chitekete (JMCC), Gokwe in Zimbabwe. The&nbsp; Church is growing tremendously and has become popular, owing to its approach to maternal health. The study aimed to find out how the&nbsp; JMCC’s approach to maternal health relates to the biomedical delivery system. We wanted to find out how the JMCC handles this&nbsp; delicate balance in their search for maternal health services with a view to tapping from their experiences in recommending integration&nbsp; between the two systems. The study is both empirical and theoretical. It employs qualitative phenomenological exploration and, makes&nbsp; use of the existing literature on the JMCC’s approach to maternal health issues. The theory of changing beliefs and enduring faith underpinned the study. Past researches on African Independent Churches (AICs) in general tend to focus on how their beliefs and&nbsp; practices influence negative health-seeking behaviours. They have often concluded that AICs are through and through part of the&nbsp; problem in health matters and not part of the solution. The study explores the extent to which the JMCC is positively reinterpreting its&nbsp; beliefs and practices in order to handle the sensitive maternal health issues in the context of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and&nbsp; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: Researches have been conducted on maternal health systems and the&nbsp; pandemic of HIV and AIDS in apostolic sects in Zimbabwe in general, and the main focus has been on the Johanne Marange Apostolic&nbsp; Church. Little has been written on the Johane Masowe Chishanu’s (JMC) maternal delivery system, especially about the JMCC, Gokwe&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Merging Lesotho’s opposed education systems for successful comprehensive sexuality education 2025-03-24T07:59:09+00:00 Rasebate I. Mokotso <p>Through decolonising autoethnography, I propose that comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) be collaboratively delivered by Lebollo&nbsp; and mainstream school systems. I started out by flattering United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) work on CSE but lamented the organisation’s focus on conventional education while ignoring the oldest indigenous institution that had&nbsp; long taught CSE. Additionally, I discovered that Lebollo is not only disregarded but also held accountable for the mainstream CSE’s&nbsp; failure. In order to disprove this charge, I conducted an analysis of the Lebollo educational system using a decolonising interculturality&nbsp; perspective. I proposed that colonialism plays a part in the conflict between the two educational systems, which not only encourages&nbsp; avoidance of Lebollo but also negatively affects its transformation from ancestral Lebollo, failing to provide high-quality CSE. However,&nbsp; the setbacks are viewed as a chance for Lebollo to demand mainstream CSE. Decolonising interculturality is therefore necessary as both&nbsp; sides interact without appropriating one another’s educational foundations. Decolonial pedagogy for stakeholders in these school&nbsp; systems is proposed as a strategy to bring the two antagonistic systems together. The intention is to raise awareness of colonial divisions&nbsp; and the understanding that the two distinct school systems can rely on one another. To allow students from these two&nbsp; schooling systems to traverse across the border dividing them and draw on various learning experiences for effective CSE, border&nbsp; pedagogy is suggested as a solution.</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: The study adds to the ongoing global discussion on the acceptance of indigenous&nbsp;&nbsp; pedagogies and epistemologies.</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Deconstructing hegemonic masculinities and promoting prevention altruism and antiretroviral therapy adherence among couples 2025-03-24T08:10:46+00:00 Anniegrace M. Hlatywayo <p>Through the use of a netnography research design, this research sets out to explore plausible strategies that can be adopted for&nbsp; adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) for the management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency&nbsp; syndrome (AIDS). The research posits that the successful management of HIV and AIDS is hindered by hegemonic masculinities, which&nbsp; accord power to men and subordinate women. Additionally, a number of societal beliefs linked with sociocultural masculine attitudes&nbsp; become repressive to men in terms of their health-seeking behaviour. This results in their disinclination towards disclosure of their HIV&nbsp; status and access to medicinal usage, which consequently affects the health and well-being of their female counterparts. This research&nbsp; acknowledges the importance of ART in managing HIV and AIDS. For HIV-positive persons, ART reduces the viral load and prolongs the&nbsp; timeframe between a diagnosis of the HIV and the AIDS. It prolongs the survival chances of the infected person. In order to promote&nbsp; adherence to ART and to minimise the risk of HIV infection for women, the research advocates for the promotion of prevention altruism&nbsp; as a mechanism for deconstructing hegemonic masculinities to enable the effective management of HIV and AIDS.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: This&nbsp; research recognises the negative interface between hegemonic masculinities and adherence to ART. Hence, the research suggests the&nbsp; practice of prevention altruism for promoting adherence to ART as well as the effective management of HIV and AIDS in a bid to prolong&nbsp; longevity and to promote Sustainable Development Goal 3.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Decolonisation of African philosophy: Regular – abstraction or scientific thinking? 2025-03-24T08:15:26+00:00 Johan A. van Rooyen <p>It is this article’s projection to think decolonised as an African (as my own Gestimmheid is from Africa), with Okolo’s proposition that&nbsp; African philosophy appeared only from the African-European connection. Okolo, was what can be point to, as utterances of philosophical proclivities that are not philosophically inherent, viewed as a (the) philosophy in Africa that originated and persisted in Africa. This can be&nbsp; explicated as an elementary cultural utterance of sapiens in Africa. Yet, original philosophy is defined by captious cogitation or thinking&nbsp; that originated post-World War II whereupon Africans should have seized some degree of precise scholarly and spontaneity, thus African&nbsp; philosophy. Still, it raises the inquiry: Why primarily inquire African philosophy? What is the motive behind African philosophy formulation&nbsp; of African sagaciousness, be a by-product of an African-European connection? A transparent enigma in Okolo’s stance is the&nbsp; assertion that the aggregated African, specifically the substance of being-African that he labelled with the phrase being-with is a non- African-radiation, and therefore not a realistic sapiens philosophy for European radiation on African philosophy.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution</strong>: This&nbsp; article investigates the theory or proposal that being or existential designate the evidence of existence that is at the heart or core of&nbsp; philosophy, an African-philosophy in its affirmative stance, without the European connection. This investigation then derives from: one, to&nbsp; evaluate the critique from sceptic authors against Okolo`s deficiency, two, to investigate the dating of the African philosophy thus the&nbsp; locality that philosophy has consistently abided and could be acquired in the dating’s spheres, and three, presupposes that what Africa is&nbsp; can then, with credibility, carry Africa&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Infusing sub-Saharan culinary heritage in university learning for a delectable academic journey 2025-03-24T08:22:10+00:00 Sasi Gangiah <p>African culture and tradition, deeply rooted in our community, encompass a rich tapestry of values, rituals, festivals, and literary&nbsp; treasures. Among the vibrant facets of this cultural heritage is African cuisine. Indigenous dishes exhibit delicate flavours, while others&nbsp; manifest a symphonic richness forged from basic ingredients with skilled artistry. The diversity in African cuisines is remarkable, with&nbsp; each country boasting distinctive culinary traditions. Unfortunately, the spectre of colonisation has led to Eurocentric dominance in&nbsp; culinary education. A decolonised approach in catering management education is needed to celebrate our culture and tradition,&nbsp; emphasising the commonalities and differences in African cuisines. This complex endeavour involves implementing decolonisation while&nbsp; incorporating indigenous African ingredients. Harnessing African knowledge is pivotal in revitalising regional culinary traditions and&nbsp; inspiring potential entrepreneurial ventures. This qualitative study explores the role of African food festivals in driving the decolonisation&nbsp; of culinary education in the departments offering food service-related courses. In addition, a comprehensive literature analysis on African&nbsp; cuisines using a structured search methodology sheds light on the subject.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Contribution:</strong> This article introduces a framework for&nbsp; decolonisation within African universities that provide culinary education to promote traditional African food culture. It emphasises&nbsp; the crucial role played by African food festivals in preserving the authenticity of African cuisine and culinary techniques. In addition, the&nbsp; article explores the importance of gastronomy tourism in sub-Saharan Africa, with the potential to cultivate cultural understanding and&nbsp; deepen the appreciation of African traditions among Africans themselves.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025