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Is there racial/ethnic variance in cervical cancer- specific survival of older women in the united states?
incident cervical carcinoma, between 1992 and 1999, in the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Data was linked with Medicare to examine the impact of race/ethnicity on overall and cancer-specific survival, using Kaplan Meier survival estimates and multivariable Cox Regression model. Results: There was no significant racial/ethnic variation in overall and cervical cancer-specific survival. However, the advanced tumor
stage at diagnosis, treatment received and advanced age at tumor diagnosis were the only significant predictors of survival. Compared with no surgery, there was a significant 66% decreased risk of dying from overall cause of death (adjusted hazard ratio, AHR = 0.34, 5% Confidence Interval, CI = 0.26-0.46), and significant 51% decreased risk of dying from cervical cancer-specific cause, AHR = 0.41, 95% CI, 0.28-0.58, for women who received radical surgery. There was a dose-response effect between tumor stage at diagnosis and survival. Relative to women who were diagnosed with stage I tumor (early stage), those who were diagnosed at stage IV (late stage) were almost three times as likely to die from overall cause (AHR = 2.78, 95% CI, 2.24 – 3.45), as well as two times as likely to die from cancer-specific cause, AHR = 2.28, 95% CI, 1.76 – 2.29. The risk of dying also significantly increased with advancing age. Conclusion: There was no racial/ethnic variance in overall and
cervical cancer-specific survival among older US women but
survival was significantly influenced by treatment received tumor stage at diagnosis and age at diagnosis.
Keywords: Cervical carcinoma; Race/ethnicity; Income;
Histopathology; Survival.