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Sexual Risk Behaviour Among In-School Adolescents in Public Secondary Schools in a Southwestern City in Nigeria
sexual activities and risky sexual behaviours among
adolescents in most parts of the world thus putting them at
high risk of contacting the HIV infection and other
complications. This study aimed to determine sexual risk
factors among adolescents in secondary schools in urban
areas of Osogbo in South western Nigeria.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was done
among 521 public secondary school students in Osogbo,
Southwestern Nigeria, using multistage sampling technique
and semi-structured administered questionnaire. Data were
analyzed using the SPSS software package version 15.
Results: Appreciable number (31.5%) of the respondents
have had sexual intercourse (the mean age of sexual debut
being 15.2+1 yr). Some of them (14.6%) had had more
than one sexual partners, 17 (3.3%) had visited commercial
sex workers before, 33 (6.3%) had been raped previously
while 25 (4.8%) had been treated for STIs symptoms in the
past. Most respondents were aware of common modes of
transmission of the HIV virus. Less than half (32.8%) of the
respondents were prepared to be screened for HIV
Conclusion: Many adolescents studied were sexually
active, and taking a lot of risky sexual behaviours that could
facilitate transmission of HIV. Advocacy programme that will
make adequate information about sexual health available to
the adolescents needs to be intensified.
Keywords: Adolescents, Sexually transmitted infections, Risky sexual behaviours, HIV/AIDs