International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research <p>The International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research (IJHHR), as an open-access, double-blind peer-review journal, aims to publish high-quality articles that promote empirical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge of Home Economics and Hospitality Management for the benefit of practitioners, educators, students and associates in the field of Home Economics Education, Hospitality Management and Allied Specialties. It publishes original research reports, brief research reports, and opinion review articles in all areas of Home Economics and Hospitality Management, which include but are not limited to:</p> <ul> <li>Child Development and Care</li> <li>Clothing and Textile</li> <li>Cosmetology Education</li> <li>Creativity and Innovation in Hospitality Industry</li> <li>Entrepreneurship Education</li> <li>Event Management</li> <li>Financing in Hospitality Management</li> <li>Foods and Nutrition</li> <li>Home Management and Human Resources</li> <li>Leisure and Outdoor Catering</li> <li>Lodging and Accommodation in Hospitality</li> <li>Restaurant Management</li> <li>Safety and Security in Hotel Management</li> <li>Sustainability in Hospitality Management</li> <li>Tourism and Travels</li> <li>Allied Topics in Agriculture, Education and Social Sciences related to Home Economics</li> </ul> <p>You can view this journal's website <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> Department of Home Economics & Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria en-US International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research 2971-5121 <p>It is our policy to publish all articles in the IJHHR as open access under the<a href=""> Creative Commons CC-BY license (the current version is CC-BY, version 4.0)</a>. This means that the author(s) retain copyright, but the article may be downloaded, distributed, and adapted for commercial or noncommercial purposes, provided appropriate attribution is provided to the original author. By submitting their article, the author(s) grant IJHHR publisher permission to publish, including displaying, storing, copying, and reusing their content. The <a href="">CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license</a> ensures that any individual can freely use the publication as long as they give proper and appropriate credit to the author(s) and cite the IJHHR publisher as the original source. Third-party materials that contain a copyright notice to prevent the copying of the material are not covered by the CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license. The author(s) must comply with any third-party copyright notices attached to the third-party content, except if the third-party content is also under the terms of the Creative Commons attribution license, or another license with an equally permissive term.</p> Sustainable Financing of TVET to Support Skills Development among Vocational and Technical Education Students amidst a dwindling Economy <p>In an effort to promote the development of skills among Vocational and Technical students of Colleges of Education (COEs) in Nigeria,&nbsp; this article focused on the evaluation of the most suitable means of financing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)&nbsp; amidst dwindling economy. The study employed a descriptive survey research design. Mean and standard deviation was used to answer&nbsp; the research questions while Analysis of Covariance (ANOVA) were used to test the hypothesis at .05 level of significance. The researcher&nbsp; solicited for data from six Head of Departments (HOD), 34 Lecturers and five Directors of Academic Planning (DAP) of five COEs to&nbsp; provide answers to the most suitable methods of funding TVET. The instrument for the data collection was a structured questionnaire.&nbsp; The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach alpha method which yielded Cronbach alpha coefficient of .87. The&nbsp; findings revealed that poor funding of the TVET sector in the COEs in North Central Nigeria had compromised the delivery of quality TVET.&nbsp; Hence, Government grants and Provision of special TVET TETFund among others were identified as the suitable means of funding&nbsp; TVET in COEs. It was recommended that adopting a germane source of financing TVET as identified in the current study would go a long&nbsp; way in sustaining TVET toward efficient production of graduates for the world of work. The findings would positively contribute towards&nbsp; resolving a myriad of financing challenges that are ravaging COE training providers to change TVET systems to yield the desired&nbsp; developmental outcomes.</p> Nuhu Iliya Nungse Dornubari Stella Sagbara Dornubari Stella Sagbara Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 1 11 Determinants and Perception of Incest in Family Relationships in Uyo Capital City, Nigeria <p>This study investigates the determinants and perceptions of incest in family relationships within Uyo, the capital city of Akwa Ibom State,&nbsp; Nigeria. Despite strong cultural and legal taboos, incest persists, necessitating an exploration of its root causes and societal views. Using&nbsp; a crosssectional survey of 800 respondents (382 males, 418 females), the research identifies key determinants of incest, including poverty&nbsp; (15%), depression (14%), and alcoholism (16%), as well as factors like single parenting (15%) and divorce/separation (20%). A factor&nbsp; analysis groups these causes into psychological, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors, revealing that emotional instability, financial hardship, and environmental vulnerabilities significantly increase the risk of incestuous behavior. Regarding perception, 51% of&nbsp; respondents strongly agreed that incest occurs frequently, with 50% specifically acknowledging its prevalence in Uyo Capital City. The&nbsp; study highlights the role of stigma, cultural sensitivity, and under-reporting as major barriers to addressing incest cases. Incest was perceived as particularly prevalent during periods of social or economic instability, such as the COVID-19 lockdown, with 50% of&nbsp; respondents strongly agreeing that cases increased during this time. The findings underscore the need for a multi-faceted intervention&nbsp; strategy involving community leaders, policymakers, and mental health professionals. This study provides a critical framework for developing policies aimed at preventing incest and promoting healthier family dynamics in Uyo and similar regions.</p> Victoria Nkan Enwongo Abasi Udofia Deborah Uduk Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 12 28 Chemical Composition and Sensory Evaluation of Products Made From Oats (<i>Avena Sativa</i>) and Unripe-Plantain (<i>Musa Paradisiaca)</i> <p>The study accessed the chemical composition and sensory evaluation of products made from oat (<em>Avena sativa</em>) and unripe plantain&nbsp; (<em>Musa paradisiaca</em>). This research aimed to determine the chemical composition of food products made from unripe plantain and oat&nbsp; composite flours and evaluated the acceptability of such foods through sensory evaluation for the benefits of diabetics and obese&nbsp; persons. Proximate, minerals, and phytochemicals analysis were conducted to ascertain the concentration of essential nutrients&nbsp; composition, Unripe plantain and oats flours were mixed at 50:50, 70:30, and 80:20 in ratios of plantain and oats respectively to formulate&nbsp; the composite flours, and analysed to determine the most preferable and recommend ratio based on chemical composition&nbsp; and sensory properties. Composite flour mixes with 50:50 in ratio proved to be the most preferable in sensory evaluation, general&nbsp; acceptability, minerals composition, and the proximate; it is then recommended for the target population. Unripe plantain and oats&nbsp; composite flours when adopted as part of food varieties or food ingredients for diabetics and obese persons can be used to make foods whether as deserts or main meal components of their diets in form of puddings, dumplings, and swallows.&nbsp;</p> Nkechi G. Onyeke Nkechi G. Onodugo Scholastica N. Eze Linda O. Okoye Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 29 41 Nutrient Composition of Stiff Porridge made from Carrots and Eggplant Flour and its Nutritional Benefit to Elderly <p>This study assessed the nutritional composition of stiff porridge made from carrots and eggplant flour and its nutritional benefit to&nbsp; elderly. The result revealed that significant differences existed in the proximate, mineral, vitamin and sensory attributes of the samples&nbsp; with moisture content of the stiff porridge ranging from 33.78 to 35.00%. Sample A (Stiff porridge from 100% eggplant) had the highest&nbsp; moisture content (38.00%) whereas sample C (Stiff porridge from 50% eggplant and 50% carrot) had the lowest moisture. Sample A (Stiff&nbsp; porridge from 100% eggplant) had the highest the calcium content (50.00%), Sample A (Stiff porridge from 100% eggplant) had the&nbsp; highest potassium (129.14 mg/100g) while sample C (Stiff porridge from 50% eggplant and 50% carrot) had the lowest value of potassium&nbsp; (98.15 mg/100g). However, Sample C (Stiff porridge from 50% eggplant and 50% carrot) had the highest mean score for&nbsp; general acceptability (7.20) whereas sample A (Stiff porridge from 100% eggplant) had the least mean score (6.00). This study concluded&nbsp; that the potentials of eggplant and carrot as useful alternatives in the production of stiff porridge for healthy family feeding in Umuahia&nbsp; North Local Government Area in Abia State. Based on this study, the following recommendations are made: Utilization of 100% eggplant&nbsp; in stiff porridge production is recommended especially to individuals that are mineral deficient since it had increased mineral content, in&nbsp; addition to proximate composition. The stiff porridges should not be kept for quite long before consumption since it possesses high&nbsp; moisture. Sensitization of the general populace on the potentials of eggplant and carrot blends in the production of stiff porridge will&nbsp; contribute to enhancing their utilization and health benefits especially to the elderly.</p> Ozioma C. Azubuike Adaeze L. Nwaigwe Uju B. Ejinkeonye Glory M. Nwakpadolu Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 42 62 Strategies for Enhancing Home Economics Teachers’ Service Delivery in Some Selected Public Secondary Schools in Lagos State <p>This study determined the strategies for enhancing home economics teachers’ service delivery in some selected public secondary schools&nbsp; in Yaba, Lagos State. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. Population for the study was 150 and the sample size was&nbsp; 50. Purposive sampling technique was adopted. Structured questionnaires were the instrument used for data collection. Data collected&nbsp; were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that some of the factors that have negative impacts on Home&nbsp; Economics teachers service delivery are obsolete curriculum that are not in tune with current realities, lack of meaningful job schedule,&nbsp; lack of proper planning and provision of needed technological tools, facilities and equipment needed foreffective teaching and learning&nbsp; of home economics, lack of proper procedures for measuring the growth of each individual teacher and student performance, inability to&nbsp; make result driven evaluation that would help teachers appreciate their roles as home economist and lack of clear understanding of the&nbsp; subject matter. It was concluded that that employees provides favorable and satisfying working conditions, teachers should be an&nbsp; embodiment of a constant search for updated knowledge in their various fields. Amongst the recommendations made were that there&nbsp; should be training and re-training for teachers, increased remuneration so as to enhance their service delivery and only professionally&nbsp;&nbsp; trained Home Economist should be allowed to teach Home Economics as a subject. </p> Kemi P. Ogbonna Ukamaka G. Okwume Francisca N. Onyeka Temitope F. Ogabi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 63 75 E-Tourism in Nigeria: An Examination of Internet as a Tool for Tourism Marketing in Ikogosi Warm and Cold Spring Holiday Resort <p>This study seeks to ascertain the role played by Internet in marketing the tourism sector in Nigeria, majorly highlighting Ikogosi Warm&nbsp; Spring in Ekiti state. Recognizing tourism's socioeconomic benefits, the research explores whether digital marketing could enhance&nbsp; visibility and visitor numbers for under-promoted sites like Ikogosi. Key questions address internet usage, tourist behavior, and the&nbsp; challenges facing e-tourism in Nigeria. Survey data were collected from 100 participants (60 tourists and 40 stakeholders), with findings&nbsp; that 70% of all respondents agreed digital marketing strongly influences tourist decision-making. However, 52% indicated that limited&nbsp; Internet access in rural areas like Ikogosi hampers effective online promotion. Additionally, 60% identified inadequate content about&nbsp; Ikogosi online as a barrier to attracting tourists, while 45% cited poor infrastructure as a major impediment to digital outreach. Regarding&nbsp; online engagement, 78% of respondents suggested that a dedicated website and social media channels for Ikogosi could&nbsp; increase tourist interest, with 65% agreeing that social media campaigns are currently the most effective tool for tourism promotion. On content type, 72% expressed a preference for visuals (photos and videos) showcasing the site’s attractions and cultural elements,&nbsp; believing that such content would have the greatest impact on attracting tourists. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the Internet’s&nbsp; potential to transform tourism in Nigeria by enhancing site visibility and tourist attraction if infrastructural and content-related issues are&nbsp; addressed. These insights are particularly relevant for policymakers and stakeholders aiming to boost digital engagement and increase&nbsp; visitation to Ikogosi and similar destinations.&nbsp;</p> Deborah Olasupo Ibidapo Adebayo Olakunle Orimaye Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 76 92 Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Strategies among Couples for Sustainable Family Survival in Oyo State, Nigeria <p>The study examines healthy lifestyle strategies among 1,086,543 couples in Oyo State, Nigeria, focusing on feeding, physical well-being,&nbsp; and mental health. Data from 817 married respondents revealed that 73.6% prefer self-prepared meals, while 9.5% prefer fast food or&nbsp; processed food. Consumption of vegetables and fruits varied, with 55.4% following a balanced diet. The study reveals that people living in&nbsp; clean environments are generally satisfied with their living conditions, with a high percentage of those living in spacious, secure&nbsp; homes. Couples living in houses with cross ventilation are also satisfied. Physical exercise is also a significant factor. The study shows that&nbsp; 59.9% of respondents practice mindfulness and meditation, while 34.8% seek mental health advice. 21.7% are aware of local mental&nbsp; support services. Balancing work-life is a challenge, with 33.9% excelling and 37.3% good. Strong preferences for self-prepared meals and&nbsp; regular physical exercise support mental health. Healthy lifestyle can be encouraged through mindfulness, with secure communities&nbsp; and local mental support resources playing a key role. The results of the study will pave the way for new fields of research by providing&nbsp; material for health educators and educational researchers, as well as guidance on healthy lifestyles for individuals, couples, families, the&nbsp; government, and nongovernmental organizations.&nbsp;</p> Taiwo Adekemi Akinyemi Olajide Olatunde Adeola Halimot Omobola Toriola Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 93 103 Socio-economic and Psychological Factors Affecting Clothing Consumption Among Female Undergraduates in University of Uyo, Nigeria <p>This study explores the socio-economic and psychological factors that shape clothing consumption patterns among female&nbsp; undergraduate students at the University of Uyo, Nigeria. While existing research has extensively examined clothing preferences in&nbsp; various global contexts, limited attention has been given to the unique dynamics between financial constraints and psychological motivations in low-resource settings, particularly within Nigeria. Adopting a descriptive survey design, data were gathered from 389&nbsp; respondents using a structured questionnaire. The findings highlight the pivotal roles of monthly allowances, the prevalence of second- hand shopping, and psychological influences such as self-esteem and peer pressure in shaping students' clothing choices. This study provides fresh insights by examining the coexistence of socio-economic limitations and identity-driven motivations in a cultural landscape&nbsp; marked by financial challenges and shifting social expectations. The results illuminate how young consumers navigate the&nbsp; interplay between affordability, selfexpression, and the need for social acceptance. These findings offer valuable implications for stakeholders, including retailers, policymakers, and educators, by emphasizing the need for interventions that encourage affordable and&nbsp; sustainable fashion, foster financial literacy, and address the psychological effects of clothing consumption.&nbsp;</p> Ngozi U. Nwonye Myrtle U. Ibokette Priscilla A. Esiowu Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 104 127 Harnessing the Potential of Local Snacks Produced from African Yam Beans and Local Rice for Improved and Sustainable Livelihoods in Nigeria <p>This study was designed to develop snacks utilizing composite flour blends of African yam beans and African rice, focusing on their&nbsp; proximate composition and sensory qualities. Flours were produced from African yam beans and African rice grains. The composite flours&nbsp; of African yam bean and African rice were formulated using different ratios specified as BSA, BSB, BSC, BSD, BSE, DOA, DOB, DOC,&nbsp; DOD and DOE. The proximate composition and sensory properties of the flour samples were determined using standard methods.&nbsp; Proximate results showed significant (P&lt; 0.05) increase in protein (9.50 – 11.52%), Fiber (0.88 – 1.75%), ash (1.94 – 5.00%) and&nbsp; Carbohydrate (73.71 – 79.08%) and significantly decrease (P&lt;0.05) in fat ((8.00 – 2.19%), and moisture (7.40 – 3.97%) for biscuits. While an&nbsp; increase in protein (12.63 – 9.75%), fiber (0.48 – 2.10%) and carbohydrate (73.41 – 60.82%) but decrease in moisture (12.80 – 6.59%) ash&nbsp; (3.00 – 1.48%) and fat (12.00 – 8.02%) was observed in doughnut samples. Sensory results showed that the panelist liked the snacks&nbsp; prepared from the blends; however, the control snack samples were most preferred. To enhance consumer appeal, the composite snacks&nbsp; with lower ratings (BSB and DOD) needs improvement. In order to improve food security and support sustainable livelihoods in&nbsp; Nigeria, this study recommends employing these indigenous crops to make nutritious snack options.&nbsp;</p> Chidiebere I. Nwakanma Ezinne P. Obinwa Salomi O. Onoriode Clara N. Okoroafor Chima Ejeabukwa Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 128 139 Assessment of Clothing and Teacher Credibility among Lecturers in Universities in South-East Nigeria <p>This study assessed Clothing and Teacher credibility among lecturers in Universities in South East, Nigeria. Three purposes guided the&nbsp; study while the study answered three research questions. The study covered a total population of 186 lecturers of Home Economics,&nbsp; Psychology and Fine and Applied Arts. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five&nbsp; experts. Data collection was done with the help of four research assistants. A total of 178 instrument was returned making it 96% total&nbsp; return rate. The data generated from research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. In decision making, scores&nbsp; above 2.5 were accepted while scores below 2.5 were rejected. Major findings include: Twenty-three (23) constituents of teacher&nbsp; credibility among lecturers in South East Nigeria which includes that lecturers should dress decently and professionally at all times&nbsp; among others, Seven (7) ways teachers’ clothing can affects learning including that students pay attention to lecturer’s clothing, students&nbsp; are interested in the subject areas taught by properly dresses lecturers among others. Twenty (20) ways the clothing of&nbsp; lecturers can enhance credibility in lecturers in South East, Nigeria including not overdressing to class, using harmonizing colours among&nbsp; others. It was therefore recommended that University lecturers should maintain good clothing practices, government should provide&nbsp; wardrobe allowance to university lecturers among others.&nbsp;</p> Ginika Hope Amaefule Oluwaleyimu Olufunke Opeyemi Udochukwu maduabuchi Emeghebo Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 140 151 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personalized Learning Approaches in TVET Colleges <p>This review examines how personalized learning strategies affect Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges.&nbsp; Personalized learning is an adaptive instructional model that tailors educational experiences to meet the unique needs of each student. It&nbsp; has garnered significant attention for its potential to address the varied learning profiles of TVET learners. The review carefully evaluates existing literature to pinpoint key strategies, challenges, and outcomes related to personalized learning within the TVET&nbsp; context. A thorough methodology is employed to analyze peerreviewed articles, conference proceedings, and pertinent grey literature&nbsp; from the past decade. Key areas of focus include the impact of personalized learning on student engagement, skill development, academic success, and job readiness. Furthermore, the review investigates the technological tools and teaching frameworks that facilitate&nbsp; personalized learning in TVET settings, while also considering obstacles such as limited resources, teacher preparedness, and&nbsp; policy issues. Initial findings indicate that personalized learning methods can boost student motivation, enhance learning results, and promote career readiness among a diverse group of TVET students. Nonetheless, the evidence is still scattered, highlighting the urgent&nbsp; need for more research on effective and sustainable implementation strategies. The primary goal of this review is to lay the groundwork&nbsp; for future studies.&nbsp;</p> Chika Oliver Ujah Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 152 167 The Roots of Single Parenting and Its Influence on the Socioeconomic Trajectories of Young Adults in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria <p>This study investigates the causes and multifaceted impacts of single parenting on the socioeconomic development of young adults in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. This context, often overlooked in global family dynamics research, is increasingly relevant as urbanization&nbsp; accelerates. A quantitative research design was employed, and data were collected from 399 respondents, including both academic and&nbsp; non-academic staff, through structured questionnaires. The study found that the primary drivers of single-parent households in the&nbsp; region are divorce (49.6%) and widowhood (40.1%). Young adults from single-parent families face significant challenges, including&nbsp; heightened risks of social stigma, economic hardship, and educational disparities. These challenges were reflected in clustered mean&nbsp; scores of 2.715 for social impact and 2.729 for economic impact. The study also highlighted gendered perceptions, revealing that social&nbsp; adjustment and career outcomes are shaped by both gender and family structure. Female respondents, in particular, reported greater&nbsp; difficulties in social integration and career progression. A unique aspect of this study is its localized focus on the dynamics of single- parenting in a rapidly urbanizing Nigerian city. The findings underscore the critical need for targeted interventions at both policy and&nbsp; community levels to address the specific challenges faced by young adults in these households. Recommendations include enhancing&nbsp; support networks, improving access to mental health services, and offering financial aid for educational advancement. The study&nbsp; emphasizes the importance of developing tailored interventions that foster resilience among young adults from single-parent&nbsp; households. By addressing systemic challenges, these interventions could play a vital role in promoting socio-economic inclusion and&nbsp; informing more inclusive policies in Nigeria’s rapidly changing socio-economic landscape.&nbsp;</p> Ngozi U. Nwonye Victoria V. Nkan Ann E. Dijeh Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 168 192 Culinary Arts: A Motivator Towards Community-Based Festival Attendance and Sustainability <p>This study investigates motive factors attracting people to community-based festivals characterized by culinary activities and underscore&nbsp; its contribution to sustaining tourism activities in the study area. Multistage sampling technique was adopted for sample selection. Kayo- Kayo Festival in the Epe area of Lagos State was purposively selected, purposive and availability sampling technique was used to select&nbsp; household head and one additional adult from 25 households respectively within the host community. Convenience sampling method&nbsp; was further used to select 100 festivals attendees, making a total of 150 respondents and a structured close-ended questionnaire was&nbsp; administered for data gathering. Analysis was done through the use of simple percentages, weighted mean, standard deviation and&nbsp; correlation analysis. Majority (79.3%) of the respondents were attracted to communitybased festival because of their interest in&nbsp; supporting preservation of cultural heritage (M=2.63; SD=0.85). 48.6% were highly attracted by Culinary arts competition during the&nbsp; festival activities (M=2.41; SD=0.87). Also, most respondents opines that the festival has positive effects on the sociocultural (M=2.45;&nbsp; SD=1.33) economy (M=2.43; SD= 1.49) and environment (M=3.35; SD=132) of the host community. The study found that there is a positive&nbsp; correlation (r= 0.356) between culinary arts and factors that motivate festival attendance. The study concludes that culinary arts&nbsp; motivates peoples’ attendance at festivals and therefore recommends sustaining the inclusion of culinary activities in other community- based festivals to promote attendance for the progress of the festivals and its sustainability.&nbsp;</p> Ibraheem Kukoyi Abioye Adedipe Tajudeen Yusuf Opeyemi Ijaya Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 193 207 Repositioning Home Economics for Functional Entrepreneurship Education Programme in Colleges of Education in North-Central Zone, Nigeria <p>This study aimed to discover the need for and approaches to repositioning Home Economics for a functional entrepreneurship education&nbsp; programme in Colleges of Education in the North-Central Zone of Nigeria. Four (4) specific objectives and Four (4) research questions&nbsp; guided the study. A descriptive survey design was used for the study. The population for the study comprised 73 Home Economics&nbsp; lecturers and 178 NCE III Students in Colleges of Education in North-Central, Nigeria. Sampling techniques were not carried out, all the&nbsp; populations were chosen for sample size because the population is small, manageable, and individual views were considered important&nbsp; for the study. A 48- item questionnaire developed by researchers and validated by experts was employed as an instrument for data&nbsp; collection. The reliability coefficient of the instrument is 0.745 using Cronbach Alpha. The researchers along with the research assistants&nbsp; administered the instrument to the respondents. Seventythree (73) Lecturers' questionnaires were administered, seventy-three (73) were&nbsp; returned and one hundred and seventy-eight (178) student questionnaires were administered but one hundred and sixtytwo (162)&nbsp; were returned successfully thereby giving 100% and 91% return rate. Mean was used to analyze the data. The study's findings revealed&nbsp; the need to reposition the Home Economics curriculum for functional Entrepreneurship Education in Colleges of Education in the North- Central Zone, Nigeria (Average Mean 3.44). Based on the findings, recommendations were made to include that Colleges of Education&nbsp; should adopt innovative curriculum design, teaching methods, assessment tools, and robust feedback mechanisms.&nbsp;</p> Iyabo Joke Shehu Juliana Amram Maimuna Abubakar Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 208 223 Kitchen Workstation and Stress in Meal Preparation by Women in Households of Ogun State, Nigeria <p>Working in kitchens places significant stress on women especially if conducted in awkward postures and poor work environment. This&nbsp; study assessed Kitchen workstation and Stress in meal preparation by women in Households in Ogun State, Nigeria. Multistage Sampling&nbsp; technique was utilized to select 42 women; Google form was used to collect data for the study. Data were analysed using frequency,&nbsp; percentage, PPMC and ANOVA. The results revealed that 42.9%, 47.6%, 57.1% of the women used modern kitchen workstation partially&nbsp; equipped with furniture and appliance with meal prepared two times daily and spent 3-5hours in preparing meal for members of the&nbsp; household. PPMC (r = 0.443, P&lt;0.05), (r= 0.486, P&lt;0.05) revealed significant relationship between the posture used to carrying out&nbsp; activities in the kitchen and the perceived stress/fatigue experienced by women at the kitchen workstation and between frequency of&nbsp; meal preparation by women in the household and perceived stress/fatigue experienced by women at the kitchen workstation. ANOVA&nbsp; revealed (F =.803, P&lt;0.05) tiredness, pain and stress are significant factors influencing perceived stress/fatigue of women at the kitchen&nbsp; workstation. It was concluded that women in the household experienced tiredness and pain due to posture in carrying out kitchen&nbsp; activities, frequency of meal preparation and the type of kitchen workstation used by the women. it was recommended that community&nbsp; outreach programme for improving kitchen ergonomics, and support to women in balancing their responsibilities to reduce the stress&nbsp; with frequent meal preparation, thereby improving the overall well-being.&nbsp;</p> Gbolahan Ayodapo Otufale Modinat Iyadunni Lasisi Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 224 238 Fabric Designing Dexterity Improvement of Home-Economics Students for Boosting their Finances in Southeast Nigerian Universities <p>The aim of TVE to equip students with the necessary skills for self-reliance and poverty reduction calls for upgrading the skills imparted to&nbsp; students to keep them abreast of dynamic changes in today's world. This study therefore identified different skills in fabric designing&nbsp; Home-Economics students need to enhance their dexterity prowess for self-reliance and poverty reduction. To carry out this research,&nbsp; four research questions were raised and answered using means and mean differences. The study employed the descriptive survey&nbsp; research design. 100 lecturers and 340 final year students of universities that offer home economics education in the five states of the&nbsp; south-eastern geopolitical zone of Nigeria formed the population of the study. No sampling for the population was manageable. A&nbsp; questionnaire of two-scale components for possessed and needed fabric designing skills constructed and validated by experts was used&nbsp; for data collection. The reliability coefficients of the questionnaires were 0.823 and 0.723 respectively for the two scale components. The&nbsp; data analyses revealed knitting by machine, piping skill and other five novel fabric designing skills that are needed by homeeconomics&nbsp; students for poverty reduction and boosting of the students' finances. It was recommended that the integration of 21st Century Skills in&nbsp; Thematic learning also consistent workshops and conferences should be made mandatory for students to attend amongst others.&nbsp; </p> Ugochi Nwanneka Nwike Ngozi Mary Eze Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 239 251 Facilitating Smooth Post-School Transition for Learners with Specific Learning Needs: Policy and Curriculum Recommendations <p>This study explores the complex landscape of inclusive education for learners with Specific Learning Needs (SLNs), examining critical&nbsp; factors that facilitate successful post-school transitions. The study employed a qualitative interpretive case study design. Conducted in&nbsp; Bulawayo Central District's two secondary schools with Resource Units, the research uses an innovative conceptual framework&nbsp; integrating Neurodiversity theory and Schlossberg's career transition theory. Through a comprehensive investigation involving ten&nbsp; learners with SLNs, two teachers, one school administrator, and the District Remedial Resource Tutor (DRRT), the study uncovers key&nbsp; strategies for supporting educational and vocational adaptation. The study adhered to ethical protocols; obtained university clearance,&nbsp; provincial and district permissions, and acquired informed consent from participants and parents of minors. The research reveals a&nbsp; multifaceted approach to enhancing educational and transitional support for the learners, highlighting critical areas for intervention:&nbsp; redesigning the curriculum to accommodate the diverse abilities and needs of the learners; developing a transition policy that is&nbsp; specifically designed to support individuals with special conditions in post-school settings; introducing corporate tax incentives for&nbsp; companies that create employment opportunities for individuals with special conditions and societal attitude transformation. By&nbsp; prioritizing stakeholder perspectives, the study develops a nuanced transitional model that offers practical guidance for more effective&nbsp; inclusive educational practices. The findings underscore the importance of holistic support in empowering learners with SLNs to achieve&nbsp; academic, social, and economic success.</p> Nettie Nobukosi Ndou-Chikwena Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-18 2025-02-18 3 2 252 265