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Assessment of Clothing and Teacher Credibility among Lecturers in Universities in South-East Nigeria

Ginika Hope Amaefule
Oluwaleyimu Olufunke Opeyemi
Udochukwu maduabuchi Emeghebo


This study assessed Clothing and Teacher credibility among lecturers in Universities in South East, Nigeria. Three purposes guided the  study while the study answered three research questions. The study covered a total population of 186 lecturers of Home Economics,  Psychology and Fine and Applied Arts. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five  experts. Data collection was done with the help of four research assistants. A total of 178 instrument was returned making it 96% total  return rate. The data generated from research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. In decision making, scores  above 2.5 were accepted while scores below 2.5 were rejected. Major findings include: Twenty-three (23) constituents of teacher  credibility among lecturers in South East Nigeria which includes that lecturers should dress decently and professionally at all times  among others, Seven (7) ways teachers’ clothing can affects learning including that students pay attention to lecturer’s clothing, students  are interested in the subject areas taught by properly dresses lecturers among others. Twenty (20) ways the clothing of  lecturers can enhance credibility in lecturers in South East, Nigeria including not overdressing to class, using harmonizing colours among  others. It was therefore recommended that University lecturers should maintain good clothing practices, government should provide  wardrobe allowance to university lecturers among others. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3027-1819
print ISSN: 2971-5121