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<i>Brief Research Report</i> - Comparative evaluation of the nutrients and phytochemical composition of <i>Cissus populnea</i> (Ogbodu) dried leaves, roots, and stem bark from Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

Chuma Eze


The purpose of this study was to compare the nutrient contents and phytochemical composition of the leaves, roots, and stem bark of Cissus populnea . The specimens came from Nsukka in Nigeria's Enugu State. Laboratory experimental design was used for this study. Samples of leaves, roots, and stem barks were prepared by drying them for two hours at 50 0C in a food dehydrator, ground into fine powder and dried again using the air drying process The analyses were carried out using standard methods. The proximate analyses showed that the samples contain crude protein (1.89 2.11%), crude fibre (22.23 22.48%), crude fat (1.99 2.09%), carbohydrates (43. 71 64.96%), ash (4.11 6.64%) and moisture (4.46 4.84%). The phytochemical data showed that all plant components contained phenol, alkaloids, tannins, and terpenoids, but not steroids. Both saponin and flavoloid were found in the plant's roots and leaves only. Flavonoid was not detected in the stem. The results of mineral compositions showed that the root, stem, and leaf amples included potassium (340.83 439.33 mg/100g) calcium (132.99 295.78 mg/100g), iron (1.12 4.21 mg/100g), magnesium (27.41- 39.67mg /100g) and manganese (0.14 3.99 mg/100g). Because of its nutrient contents and phytochemical proportions, consumers are encouraged to use any parts, though root parts of the plant seem to contain high nutrient.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3027-1819
print ISSN: 2971-5121