• In order to submit an article, authors need to submit their manuscript through the journal’s submission platform (Manuscript submission link) or in case of any problem, authors need to either forward their manuscript to the journal’s official email address homec@unn.edu.ng or send a softcopy of their manuscript to the journal’s office address (Department of Home Economics & Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, P.M.B. 41001, Nsukka, Nigeria).
  • IJHHR requires the submission of papers in MS-Word using the journal’s official template (IJHHR Submission Template), 12-point format (Times New Roman) with double line spacing, and a maximum of 12-15 pages, including references.
  • We require all papers submitted to IJHHR to be original and written in clear and concise language and technically accurate reporting standards. Language quality and statistical reports of a manuscript must be of a high standard, and this responsibility rests with the author. The Editor-In-Chief reserves the right to request from the author(s) to provide a copy of the manuscript’s language editing report and proof that a statistician has reviewed it. Before submission, authors who are non-native speakers of English are advised to have their manuscript(s) thoroughly proofread by professional language editors/firms such as Wordvice, Editage, and AJE. In order to ensure that manuscripts are in line with the journal’s stylistic model, IJHHR  only offers minor copy-editing after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.
  • The abstract of the paper should be between 200 and 250 words and should include at least five keywords that are arranged in alphabetical order.
  • In addition to the title of the paper, the author’s information page must include the author’s name (first name and surname), the corresponding author’s email address, and a telephone number (optional). Authors should register and provide their ORCID number during the submission of the manuscript to the journal.
  • The body of the manuscript must include the following sections: Introduction, Statement of Problem, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions/Hypothesis, Methods and Materials, Results and Discussion (must include study implications, limitations, and suggestions for further research), Conclusion (Must include recommendations) and References (must include DOI numbers where available and URL of web documents with access date).
  • We encourage authors to adopt the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) to describe each author’s specific contribution to the research output. IJHHR seeks to follow the standard criteria for authorship as defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), so all contributors listed in a manuscript must meet the requirements set forth, including:
    (i) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
    (ii) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
    (iii) Final approval of the version to be published; AND
    (iv) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.                               All those designated as authors should meet all four criteria for authorship.
  • A Statement of Data Availability (Please read IJHHR policies on data sharing and reproducibility here), as well as an Ethics Statement (e.g., statement of the study’s approval by the relevant institutional review board(s), informed consent statement, etc.) for original research and brief reports involving human/animal subjects, must be included in the manuscript. Authors are advised to share their raw data on existing dataverses such as Harvard Dataverse and preprint servers.
  • There is no ambiguity in the journal’s referencing style, as it follows the American Psychological Association’s Citation Style. It is recommended that the author(s) consult the most recent edition of the APA Referencing Style Manual for more information. The authors can also check a sample article from a current issue of the journal.
  • Submitted papers must not have been previously published in another journal or be under review for publication by any other journal at the time of submission to IJHHR.
  • In the event that the authors have a conflict of interest relating to the paper, they will have to disclose it appropriately at the time of submission. IJHHR follows IMJE’s guidance on Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest, so authors must complete and return this Disclosure Form while submitting their manuscript.
  • It is a prerequisite for publishing in this journal that a statement of compliance with relevant ethical standards is provided. Compliance with ethical principles for research, such as the WMA Declaration of Helsinki, and the APA Ethical Principles on Research and Publication, must be clearly stated in the ethics statement section of the manuscript.
  • Submitted manuscripts shall only be externally evaluated for possible publication if they have a similarity level of 15% or less. Authors are advised to use plagiarism checkers such as  TURNITIN to confirm the similarity level of their manuscript with existing sources.  Submit the plagiarism report along with your manuscript, and the publisher will further confirm your submitted report.
  • Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication in this journal, the author(s) must complete and return the IJHHR Copyright Form before their article can proceed to production.

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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3027-1819
print ISSN: 2971-5121
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