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A proposed computer system on Kano model for new product development and innovation aspect: A case study is conducted by an attractive attribute of automobile
deal of human physical resources, methods, and tools are involved. One of the well- appreciated models is Kano model for customer needs study for product development. Customer requirements are an important component of new product development. The customer expectations to the technical requirements of products are also necessary for new product development. The success of a new product development process for a desired customer satisfaction is sensitive to the customer needs assessment process. In most cases, customer needs of a product or product family are incorporated by setting the customer requirements and their relative importance in the first house of quality of QFD. This procedure is practically informal and does not present an obvious link between customer satisfaction and product attribute. In this view, Kano Model is a superior choice. Kano model has two dimensional questionnaires regarding customer satisfaction, i.e. functional and dysfunctional. Both functional and dysfunctional answer is determined Kano evaluation (product attribute). A computer system has been developed
using the Monte-Carlo Simulation technique to simulate functional and dysfunctional answers independently and subsequently the Kano evaluation. Using this system one can determine the minimal number of respondents make a reliable conclusion for a definite product attribute. A case study is conducted for system verification by an attractive attribute regarding Kano model about an automobile.
Keywords: Kano Model, Attributes of Product, New Product Development and Innovation, Monte-Carlo Simulation
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 9, 2010, pp. 1-12