The relevance of product innovations and new product development for the competitive performance of firms and for the longterm economic growth is a known and recognized topic. In the context of the food industry, process and product innovations are usually the result of cross-discipline ideas, involving, for instance, biology, chemistry, technology, engineering, nutrition and law. Furthermore, the food industry suffers from the fact that the benefits of innovations are often not evident at the manufacturing stage. This paper analyzes a successful case of product innovation, in the context of the Italian food industry. The analysis is proposed in the form of a case study-based research, which was carried out through a questionnaire survey and some field interviews with managers of a food company located in Northern Italy. Specifically, the company selected operates as a packaging manufacturer, providing plants, equipments and sachets for food and drink packaging. The study focuses on the development of a new product, which the company has recently launched on the market in response to the needs of packaging liquid, viscous or creamy foods. By presenting a successful case study, this paper aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the new product development process undertaken by the company (i.e., from the idea of the new product to the launch on the market and patent). At the same time, results presented provide useful guidelines for new product development processes in the food context.
Keywords: product innovation, new product development, patent, food packaging industry, case study
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 9, 2010, pp. 13-24