The major problem with the direct use of vegetable oils as fuel into CI engines is their higher viscosity. It interferes the fuel injection and atomization and contributes to incomplete combustion, nozzle clogging, excessive engine deposits, ring sticking, producing thick smoke, etc. The problem of higher viscosity of vegetable oils can be overcome to a greater extent by various techniques, such as heating of fuel lines, trans-esterification, modification of injection system, etc. In the present investigation, short term tests were conducted with the use of untreated cotton seed oil in a single cylinder, four stroke, and direct injection diesel engine. Tests were conducted with cotton seed oil and diesel. To improve the combustion characteristics of cotton seed oil in an unmodified engine, effect of increase in injection pressure was studied. The injection pressure was increased from 180 bar to 240 bar (in steps of 15 bar). The investigation revealed that the optimum pressure for cottonseed oil as 210 bar and comparison of the performance of the engine was studied in terms of brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency and exhaust emissions.
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 6, 2010, pp. 142-149