The study investigated the incidence of speech defects in some randomly selected secondary schools in Oyo state. The importance of speech to man warranted the need to survey the incidence of speech defects among schools in Oyo state. 2522 students were sampled out of which about 607 (24.1%) students had various speech defects. Questionnaire is the major instrument, while personal interview were also used to assess the distribution of various speech defects in five selected schools in Oyo states. The findings revealed that Speech disorders are common in the schools selected, but in various degrees. Articulatory defects are more common in the schools, followed by delayed speech, voice disorder and hearing loss, stuttering has the least occurrence. More males are affected than females in ratio 52 to 47. On the whole 24.1% of the population used have speech defects. However, the incidence of speech defects in schools warranted the need to have speech therapists in schools, as well as proper classification and accurate diagnosis, for appropriate remediation to be put in place in schools. The study recommended that there is a need for early identification and treatments for all public schools pupils in the state. Adequate preparation of personnels for the school services should be ensured, through training and re-training of the professional and teachers in schools.
International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics Vol. 6, 2004: 96-101