The purpose of this study was to investigate “Factors that influence involvement of youths in crime” as perceived by Unilorin (University of Ilorin) Undergraduates. The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey method. The sampling procedure of simple random sampling and stratified were used in selecting 200 sample from the target population. A questionnaire styled “Factors influencing youth involvement in crime questionnaire (FIYICQ) was the instrument used to data for the study. The study was carried out with the view of finding out if variables such as sex, age, and mode of residence would have influence in the perception of respondents regarding youth involvement in crime. In carrying out the research, three null hypotheses were formulated and tested using t-test statistical tool at 0.05 level of significance. Frequency counts and simple percentages were also used. The result of the findings reviewed that the most influential among the factors that influence youth involvement in crime was peer influence, followed by home/family factors. Base on these findings, some recommendations were made. It was specifically recommended that parents should be careful in handling their adolescents and that there is the need for adequate counselling programme for adolescents/youth on the kind of company to keep.
International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics Vol. 6, 2004: 24-34