The IJEPSE will be published bi-annually in the future though presently, issues are released in June. Neither the editors nor the publisher accept responsibility for the views or statements expressed by contributors. Usually, all incoming articles arte subject to the referencing process, unless if they are not considered appropriate for the “Aims and Scope” of the Journal as already indicated. An explanation on the editorial policies is available on the Editorial in all issues of the Journal.

Manuscripts: All manuscripts submitted for publication including any scientific correspondence, should be sent to: IJEP correspondence Manager, University of Ibadan Post Office, Box 22968, Ibadan, Nigeria. Or To: Dr.J.Aizoba(

Manuscripts should be type-written on one side of the paper, double spaced and in quadruplicate (one original and three copies).Manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words including tables and references. Whenever manuscripts are accepted and are already published, original manuscripts and diagrams will be discarded three weeks after publication unless the Publisher is requested to return original material to the author.Disks: Author should submit a computer disk or diskette on MS-Word on submission and again with the final version of the paper along with the final manuscript to the editorial office or IJEP Correspondence Manager, University of Ibadan Post Office, Box 22968, Ibadan, Nigeria. Or to: Dr.J.Aizoba ( kindly observe the following creteria: Send a disk or Diskette with Hard Copy when first submitting your paper along with the total word count on the first page. When your article has been refereed, revised if necessary and accepted, send a disk or diskette containing the final version of the final hard copy in MS-Word. The Hard Copy of the final submission must be two copies. You must also ensure that the contents of the disk or diskette and the hard copy match exactly include the text file and separate table and illustration files, where necessary. The file should follow the general instructions on style/arrangement and, in particular, the reference style following the APA format. The file should be double-spaced Keep a back-up disk or diskette for your personal reference and safety. The title of the paper, the author’s name and surname and the name and address of the institute, hospital etc. where the work was carried out should be indicated at the top of the paper. The name and address of the author to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent must be provided on the first page. Additionally, the email address and Fax number for corresponding author should be supplied along with the manuscript, for use by the publisher.

Abstract: An abstract not exceeding 300 words should constitute the first page of the article.

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, authors should provide a maximum of 5 keywords, reflecting the essential topics of the article; and may be taken from both the title and the text. The supplied keywords will be used for information retrieval systems and indexing purposes.

References: This should be prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association (APA) for style. They should be placed on a separate sheet at the end of the paper, double-spaced, in alphabetical order. References should be quoted in the text by giving the author’s name, followed by the year, e.g.(OJo and Bright,2004) or Ojo and Bright(2004). When the authors are more than two, all names are given when first cited, but subsequently referred to, the name of the first author is given followed by the words “et al.” For example, first citation can be: Stone, Paulson and Sunmalis(2003) while subsequent citation would be Stone et al.(2003). References to journals should include the author`s name followed by initials, year, paper title, journal title, volume number and page numbers.
For example: Boxson,W.W.(2004).The Implication Of Sress-Related Conditions On Concentration. Journal Of Experimental Therapy And Experimental Psychology,13,142-153. References on books should include the author`s name followed by initials,year,paper title, editors, book title, volume and page numbers, place of publication, publisher,e.g. Johnson,I.I.and Johnson,S.A.(2004). Triple case experimental designs: strategies for studying behaviour change. New York: Evans Or Adams,W.U.C(1999).Psychological Underpinings.InR.O.Maxwell,T.W.Y.Dwaflin, and U.K.I.Bills(Eds),Annual Review of Psychotherapy(Vol.12,pp.3456).Lagos-Nigeria: Evans Footnotes: They are not to be used.

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eISSN: 1119-7048
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