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Food and vices in south-eastern Nigeria: implications for poverty
This study focused on food and vices in South-Eastern Nigeria: implication for poverty. One hundred and sixty (160) respondents, adult male and female, were selected from 8 local government areas in Imo and Abia States. A purposive sampling technique was employed. The objectives include among others an examination of the nature of poverty in South-Eastern Nigeria; an investigation to ascertain whether or not, poverty results in hunger, etc. The following were the findings: Hunger seems to have ravaged our society. This is because majority of our people are poor and are unable to solve the hunger problem. As a result of inability to provide food, which is a basic necessity of life, the poor have employed all sorts of measures to put food on the table for their families. Unfortunately, most of these measures have been negative; as people are engaged in vices like armedrobbery, prostitution, pick pocketing, over-profiteering, etc. Others, because of poverty, have engaged in begging, constituting nuisance in the society. This paper sought solutions that would improve the lot of the poor and have them properly engaged in activities other than these vices, which can help them provide food for their families. The following were recommended: There should be the provision of gainful employment through the setting up of industries, factories and other establishments. This employment should be made to incorporate both educated and uneducated people based on merit and according to their area of competence; Skill’s Acquisition Centers should be widely set up so that those who cannot cope can learn trades that would help them to face life’s challenges, etc.
Keywords: Hunger, Food, Vices, Armed-Robbery, Prostitution, Pick-Pocketing, Over- Profiteering, Poverty, Begging, Nuisance
Keywords: Hunger, Food, Vices, Armed-Robbery, Prostitution, Pick-Pocketing, Over- Profiteering, Poverty, Begging, Nuisance