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Emerging Pattern of Forest Bio-Diversity in South West Nigeria: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Forest Reserves
society. For instance, both timber and non-timber forest products provide income, employment opportunities, etc for the generality of the people living within and around the forest reserves. Traditionally, access to certain forests is forbidden in order to conserve and to manage the forest to achieve forest
resource sustainability. This is so because, it has been discovered that over the years, the rate of exploitation of these resources is unprecedented in the history of forest use in the southwestern part of Nigeria. This paper therefore
set out to examine the traditional values of the forest, the changes that have occurred in the area of the forest in the state and the contemporary arrangement to curtail the spate of deforestation and its concomitant socioeconomic effects on the people. To achieve the above, various relevant literature and theoretical models are examined. Also, both spatial and attribute
data are examined to drive home the argument. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn with recommendations on new forest resources management strategies.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Forest Resources, Sustainable Development, Ecological Balance