Chapter II of the Nigerian Constitution 1999 sets out the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy. These are lofty ideals which succeeding governments ought to aspire to bring into reality. One of such desired goals is the right of each citizen regardless of sex, social standing, ethic group, religious or political affiliation, to have prompt and proper medical attention. The dwindling fortunes of the average Nigerian family occasioned largely by the ailing economy, has made many people to opt for the services of quacks or unqualified medical personnel. This paper x-rays the fundamental provisions of the new National Health Insurance Scheme and the possible areas where the system will encounter
difficulties. It also proffers recommendations to showcase how the system can work in a hitch free manner to provide an enduring and improved health care delivery system in Nigeria.
Key Words: Contributions, Referrals, Pre-action notice, Fraud, Beneficiaries