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The role of museum in curbing corruption in Nigeria

AS Edet


Corruption is a scandal that has been with human beings from antiquity to the present (Tylor, 1871). It pervades and permeates society. Corruption in Nigeria has assumed a enormous proportion and has constituted a  serious national problem. Government put in place some machinery to  fight corruption but to no avail. This paper looks at cultural education and  the teaching of the history of peoples as a weapon of overriding strategic  importance. The role of museum as the promoter of cultural education for  combating corruption was studied. Evidence from various researchers such  as Okolo (2008), Muthoga (1994), Musheshe (1994) and Cockfort (1994)  on the subject of corruption indicate that corruption is embedded in every  society. This study examined the nature and types of programmes the  museum undertakes and those that would be suitable and more effective  in educating the different members of the public against corrupt practices. The study looks at museum tools such as mass media campaign, mobile public awareness, youth education, children enlightenment, anti-corruption workshops and seminar series, advocacy and effective use of cultural  resources in public lectures, and exhibitions. Finally it recommends the use of cultural education as effective tool for combating corruption and evolving new orientation for society.

Keywords: Combating corruption, Museum role, Cultural education, Advocacy programmes and options, Public reorientation

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2734-3316
print ISSN: 1597-9482