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Science and Technology Reportage in Selected Nigerian Newspapers: A Study of Punch, The Guardian and VanguardScience and Technology Reportage in Selected Nigerian Newspapers: A Study of <i>Punch, The Guardian and Vanguard</i>

Jammy Seigha Guanah
Luke Ejezie
Stella Omodomero Egbra


researchers also set out to determine the level of coverage given to science and technology news by the newspapers; to ascertain the  story types (genres) used in reporting science and technology by the newspapers; and identify the sources of science and technology  news in the select newspapers. This study adopted quantitative content analysis approach, using agenda-setting theory as its theoretical  framework. This study found, among others, that the level of coverage of the issue of discourse was low. Again, different story types were  used, but the news genre was mostly applied while major sources of science and technology news were private companies and  foreign media. In the vein of these findings, the researchers recommended that Nigeria’s newspapers should increase their coverage of  science and technology stories. Also, features and opinion articles (by specialists in the field of science and technology) should be used to  explain how most science and technology equipment function, and can be utilised. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-837X