Gari agar was prepared by weighing 28 g of Gari, 14 g of agar powder and 8 g of Hibiscus rabdariffa powder to 1 L of sterile water. A conventional media, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) was prepared as control according to manufacturer’s procedure. Aliquot of appropriate dilutions of 1 g of agricultural soil was inoculated onto SDA and Gari agar by pour plate technique and spread plate technique. After 2 days and 4 days of inoculation, the growth of moulds was examined. Fungal colonies on Gari agar were very healthy and compared favourably with fungal growth on Sabouraud dextrose agar which is a conventional medium. Gari agar produced healthy moulds as determined by diameter of growth. Furthermore, conventional media (SDA) supported the growth of bacteria while Gari agar inhibited the growth of bacteria and promoted that of fungi. Cassava can be successfully grown in poor soils with low labour requirement, low capital and ease of cultivation. Gari extract agar can now be used successfully for quantitative count of moulds. The result of this study will go a long way in solving the problem of high cost of conventional media used as culture media for mycological studies.
Keywords: Gari agar, Hibiscus rabdariffa, Sabouraud Dextrose agar, quantitative count, moulds, cassava.