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Effect of B-success herbal supplement on the accessory sex organs of male albino rats
This work investigated the effect of B-success herbal supplement on the accessory sex organs of male albino rats. Twenty weights matched male albino rats were divided into four groups of five rats and were given
0.00, 315,630,945 mg/kg of the herbal product orally for 90 days. Animals had access to deionized water and were fed ad libitum with rat chow for 90 days. The feed and fluid consumption of the animals were measured
on daily basis while the body weight was measured weekly. Animals were anaesthetized after 90 days, bled sacrificed, epididymis, seminal vesicle and prostate were excised and weighed, protein, DNA. The epididymal
tissues were also used for the determination of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase. The result shows that there was significant (P. 0.05) decrease in both absolute and relative weights of seminal vesicle, prostate
and epididymis in all the treated animals when compared with the control. The epididymal acid and alkaline phosphatase contents and semen count decreased significantly (p. 0.05) in all the treated animals when compared with the control. The DNA and protein contents of seminal vesicle (SV), prostate (P) and epididymis (E) of albino rats treated with the B-success herbal supplement decreased significantly (p. 0.05) in all the treated animals when compared with the control. B-success herbal supplement may have toxic effect on the accessory sex organs of male albino rats.
Keywords: B–success herbal supplement, seminal vesicle (SV), prostate (P) and epididymis (E), male albino rats.