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Microbiological evaluation of sachet water and street-vended yoghurt and “Zobo” drinks sold in Nsukka metropolis
solids, copper, iron, alkalinity, appearance, taste, colour, aerobic mesophilic count, coliform counts were evaluated. Data obtained from the study showed that the yoghurt and “Zobo” drinks sold at the moment are
bacteriologically safe. “Zobo” drink samples had total plate count of 9.9×101 CFU/ml to 1.48×102 CFU/ml, negative to coliform, Salmonella, and E. coli. Yoghurt samples had total plate count of 9.9×101 CFU/ml to
1.59×102 CFU/ml, negative to coliform, Salmonella and E. coli. Sachet water samples had pH of 7.25 to 7.50, total dissolved solids of 2.66ppm to 15.03ppm, hardness of 0.24ppm to 15.00ppm, iron, nitrate and nitrite were not detected. A total plate count of 1.41×102 to 3.19×102 , negative to Salmonella spp and some positive to Pseudomonas spp, coliform and E. coli. Thus the need for improved water treatment methods and storage
before drinking and use for food drink processing.