Oil pollution is a worldwide prevalent threat to environmental sustainability and the remediation of oil contaminated soils, sediments, surface and underground water is a major challenge for environmental research.Earthworms are an important component of the soil biota and their response to oil pollution needs to be better understood when they are considered for use in bioremediation. Laboratory investigations were undertaken tomonitor the survival rate of earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris Lin.) in soils contaminated with used engine oil sourced from three different engines (Motorcycle, Motorcar and Truck engines). The aim was to investigate theeffect of used engine oil concentration, in soil, on the survival of earthworms (L. terrestris). The ability of L. terrestris to survive in bioremediated used engine oil contaminated soil was evaluated and it was observed that100% of earthworms survived in both motorcycle and truck engine used engine oil contaminated soil for concentration as high as 150 g used engine oil/kg soil for a period of 30 days. The highest tolerable concentration of the motorcar used engine oil contaminated soil by the worms was found to be 10 g used engine oil/kg soil.