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Preliminary studies on copepod infestation of the garfish (,i>Ablennes hians) landed at Elmina harbour, Ghana
ratio of the fish. The results indicate that the degree of infestation was significantly high (64.19%) compared to non-infestation (35.81%). The highest infestation (21.30%) occurred in animals with standard length class
interval of 75.0-79.9 cm and the least (3.40%) was in 80.0–84.9 cm. The highest infestation was recorded in the breadth class interval of 60.0-6.9 cm. The least (5.70%) was in 5.0-5.9 cm. The mean standard length of the infested animal was 74.45 ± 6.50 cm, while that of the non-infested was slightly higher (77.45 ± 6.36 cm). Mean body depth of the infested was slightly lower (6.94 ± 0.86 cm) than that of the non-infested (7.08 ± 0.94 cm). Mean condition indices of infested and non-infested garfishes were similar (about 1.42 x 10-1) for each group. Sex ratios of infested (1:1.02) and non-infested (1:1.36) did not differ significantly. Similarly, the standard length-gill length and gill volume of infested and non-infested garfishes were close to each other, but slightly more positive for the non-infested animals. Finally, the results of biochemical composition indicate that the various components did not differ significantly between infested and non-infested. Protein content was high
(20.30%), but fat content was rather low (8.50%) for both infested and non-infested garfishes. It is concluded that infestation had no significantly negative effect on the garfish.