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Incidence, distribution pattern and HIV/AIDS occurrence among tuberculosis patients attending DOTS centre in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital
treatment at the DOTS clinic of Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital (OOUTH) Sagamu from 2005 to 2007. TB incidence for the 3 years was 315 of which the highest number 119 (37.7%) occurred in 2007. The age range 25-34 years (29.52%) had the highest number of respondents and 50.5% of the patients were females. Mean age ± SD were 19.69 ± 17.44. Majority of the patients (95.2%) had pulmonary TB. Two
hundred and seventy (85.4%) were new patients, 43 (13%) were relapsed patients and 2 (0.6%) were transferred patients. There was no significant statistical difference between incidence and age (p=0.5051),
distribution pattern of the disease (P=0.8206), but a significant difference occurred between incidence and sex (p=0.0333). HIV/AIDS occurrence was highest 37 (35%) among the patients in 2006. Our findings revealed a
steady increase in TB incidence for the period under review and HIV/AIDS occurrence though high was not statistically significant.