This study was undertaken to determine the effect of Centella asiatica aqueous extract (CAEt) on nociception, experimental diabetes and hyperlipidemia in mice and rats. The extract was administered orally and the effects of different doses of the extract on nociception in mice, on blood glucose, glucose-6-phosphatase, and serum and tissue lipids in rats with alloxan-induced diabetes were studied. Diclofenac and chlopropamide were used as standard drugs for nociception and diabetes, respectively. The doses of extract administered were 150, 300, 500 mg/kg body weight. The data obtained indicated that the aqueous extract of Centella asiatica exhibited anti-nociceptive activity in mice. Results of the anti-diabetic study indicated that the extract suppressed the elevated blood glucose. In anti-hyperlipidemic study, lipid levels didn't change in diabetic rats treated with CAEt. These findings show that the extract possesses anti-nociceptive and anti-diabetic activities.
Keywords: Anti-nociceptive, Anti-diabetic, Anti-hyperlipidemic, Centella asiatica, Alloxan
International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences Vol. 2 (1) 2008 pp. 59-65