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Effect of crossbreeding on production performances and egg quality traits between improved local cocks and Isa Brown chickens

Abdoulaziz Hamissou Maman
İskender Yildirim
Gamze Nur Asker


The low performance level of local chicken in the Niger poultry production system is mainly due to the fact that the local chickens have  low genetic potential. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the production performances and egg quality characteristics of hens  obtained by crossbreeding of Isa brown hybrid hens and improved local cocks (Magia) (ISA-A) in comparison with commercial Isa brown  hybrid hens (ISA-B). The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with two-layer genotypes (40 hens per genotype) used in this study. These two genotypes were housed in a floor system when hens were 19 weeks of age at a stocking density of 10 birds/ m2 . Production performance parameters and egg quality characteristics were recorded throughout the experimental period, which  lasted 21 weeks. The ISA-A hens achieved higher values for egg production (P=0.000) as compared to the Isa Brown hybrid genotype, and  the mean laying rate was about 7% higher for the ISA-A hens than that of ISA-B hens. The egg production period for ISA-A hens peaked at  a rate of 83.67%, which was higher than for ISA-B with 74.03% at 29 weeks. However, no significant differences (P>0.05) in average egg  weight and feed intake were observed between ISA-B and ISA-A layers. Moreover, egg quality characteristics were not significantly  affected by genotype (P>0.05). In conclusion, this study showed that crossbreeding between Magia cocks and commercial Isa brown layer  hens might be an alternative method for improving Niger's local chickens. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1997-342X
print ISSN: 1991-8631