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Diet of Coptodon tholloni congica (Cichliformes: Cichlidae) from the Nkéni River (Tributary of the Congo River)

D.B.C. Olabi-Obath
M. Mikia
A. Tsoumou
l.P.D. Boukama
I. Mady-Goma Dirat


This study was undertaken to found out the feeding habits of Coptodon tholloni congica from the Nkéni River. The stomach contents of  62 fish specimens captured using a cast net were examined, 7 were empty (11,29%). The standard length of the specimens varied  between 43.16 and 95.74 mm, an average of 63.3 ± 8.1 mm, examination of the structure of the digestive tract showed a small stomach  and a long intestine (2 ,4< CI <7.13), thus indicating that the studied species is phytophagous. The diet was analyzed by calculating the preponderance index of each prey item according to the specimens size and the season. The emptiness coefficient was equal to 10.26%,  Coptodon tholloni congica consumes plant debris (Ip=37.63%) and mud (Ip=33.50%) and algae (20.35%). The Schoener index shows that  no significant seasonal variation in diet was observed. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1997-342X
print ISSN: 1991-8631