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Nutritional and economic value of local poultry feeds, formulated by design of experimental (DOE) method

Inoussa Ky
Charles Parkouda
Marius K. Somda
Bréhima Diawara
Mamoudou H. Dicko


A prospective study was conducted on feeds for local poultry in Burkina Faso. The objective of this study was to contribute to the  improvement of the nutritional and economic quality of feeds for local poultry. Design of experimental (DOE) method was used to  formulate ten feeds with mainly local raw materials and an evaluation of their nutritional and economic value has been carried out.  Classical analytical methods were used to determine the macro elements. Chromatography and flame spectrometry were used to  determine amino acids and minerals respectively. The results showed mass proportions (g/100 g DM) between 18.32±0.06 and 20.46±0.00  for proteins, 4.86±0.10 and 5.70±0.03 for lipids, 36.81±0.07 and 40.36±0.04 for total carbohydrates, between 10.28±0.09 and  12.34±0.12 for ash, between 7.03±0.09 and 7.79±0.00 for cellulose, 1.67±0.74 and 3.86±0.06 for calcium, 1.16±0.07 and 2.10±0.04 for  phosphorus. Methionine contents ranged from 0.36±0.04 to 0.47±0.02, lysine from 0.78±0.07 to 0.94±0.00, and threonine from 0.68±0.02  to 0.83±0.03. The rations cost varied from 203.40 to 238.98 FCFA/kg with an average value of 213.77 FCFA/kg. The results obtained  constitute new information in the breeding of local chicken in Burkina Faso. They will allow poultry farmers to make their activity more  profitable. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1997-342X
print ISSN: 1991-8631