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Estimates of phenotypic diversity and genetic parameters of Hibiscus cannabinus L. grown in Burkina Faso

Nikodème V. Kabré
Boureima Sawadogo
Mariam Kiébré
Zakaria Kiébré
Romaric K. Nanema
Pauline Bationo-Kando


Hibiscus cannabinus is a traditional leafy-vegetable consumed more and more in Burkina Faso. Its leaves and fruits are some good food supplement against nutritional deficiencies. Its fibers are also a source of income for households. Despite of its nutritional an economic potential, this species is underdeveloped in Burkina Faso. The study aims to determine genetic variability and level of heritability among agronomic interest traits of H. cannabinus using agro-morphological descriptors. This enable to identify outstanding accessions which could be involved in further breeding programs. A total of 70 accessions of H. cannabinus were characterized according randomized incomplete block, using 5 qualitative characters and 15 quantitative characters. The study showed great variability for most of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics studied. Several correlations were observed between characters related to the biomass, the fruits and the fibers production. These correlations are particularly interesting because the improvement of only one character induces improvement of the others. The study, moreover, shows high broad sense heritability (H2) and weak differences between the phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) coefficients of variation. These results indicate that the characters expression is under genetic control. So a direct selection method of H. cannabinus improvement is possible for these characters.

© 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved

Keywords: Agromorphological, characterization, Hibiscus, selection, Burkina Faso

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1997-342X
print ISSN: 1991-8631