Levels of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) pesticide were evaluated in samples of cowpea grains and dried yam chips obtained from Ile-Ife markets, southwestern Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to establish the presence of the organochlorine pesticide residues in the foodstuffs and also to ascertain whether the residue levels are above their respective permissible levels. Randomly selected samples from highly patronized markets were subjected to standard extraction protocols. The DDT and HCH levels were determined using Gas Chromatography coupled with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD). The mean concentration of ϒ-HCH (Lindane) in cowpea grains was 0.085 mg/kg and 0.042 mg/kg in dried yam chips. The ρ,ρ’-DDD concentrations were 0.086 mg/kg and 0.159 mg/kg in cowpea and dried yam chips, respectively. ϒ-HCH detected in all the cowpea samples and 90% in dried yam chips samples were above the recommended EU maximum residue level (MRL) of 0.01 mg/kg. The results of this study indicated that substances that could pose serious health risks were associated, at outrageous levels, with important foodstuffs in Nigerian markets even to the point of sales and consumption.
Keywords: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, hexachlorocyclohexane, pesticide, residue, cowpea grain, yam chip.