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Comparative study on the effects of Methanolic existence of Newbouldia Leavis bark and honey on Ulcerated soft tissue injury of Wistar rat

KI Omokpo
EA Oriaghan
OT Esekie
EL Isalar


This study investigates the effect of methanolic extract of newbouldia laevis stem bark on ulcerated soft tissue
injuries of Wistar rats. Sixteen Wistar rats (weighing between 250g-300g) were involved. They were divided into 4
groups (A-D) and received feed mash and water ad libitum. Group A served as control, while B, C and D served as
test whereby lesions were induced. For 2-weeks, group B had lesions on subcutaneous tissue without treatment,
group C had lesions and was treated with newbouldia laevis extract, while group D had lesion treated with honey.
The results showed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the weights of the test animals and control. Excised
tissues obtained from the wound site after histological processing revealed newbouldia laevis stem bark’s
methanolic extract to be most efficacious in treatment of soft tissue injuries compared to honey with the latter
reconfirming potentiality for wound healing when compared to that of the untreated wound. Our findings suggest
therefore that, newbouldia laevis extract can be recommended for the treatment of soft tissue injuries. However,
further work needs to be done to ascertain the active components of newbouldia laevis and the mechanism of action
that can explain its wound healing potentials.

Keywords: Tissue injury, Honey, Newbouldia laevis, Herbal extract.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2384-681X
print ISSN: 2315-5388