Peace and security are not only variables of national growth and development, but also panacea for sustainable development. However, amidst challenges of emergent culture produced by the Nigerian nation-state the two vital variables remain elusive. Hence, the ability to put these variables in place constitutes part of the puzzle and dilemma of almost every republic in Nigeria. Therefore, the problem of this study is persistent state of insecurity that bedevil most republics in Nigeria as manifest in incessant armed robbery attacks, students’ unrest, religious riots, and most recently, militancy and terrorism. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess prospects and challenges of alternative security outfits as solution to Nigeria’s security challenges using Lancelot Odua Imasuen’s Isakaba. The study examined Nollywood’s projection of the search for lasting solution to the nation’s security problems in an outfit influenced by African ritualistic practices, system of justice and its obvious challenges and prospects. Case study and content analysis approaches of the qualitative research method were adopted by the researchers for data collection and analysis. The study revealed that; individuals, organizations, communities, the media and various tiers of government in Nigeria have continued to experiment on how to ensure security of lives and property of the citizenry in the face of a corrupt and lukewarm police force. Consequently, propositions like: the use of the traditional security system, state police, individual security outfits, the use of armed forces and even individualized security systems which allow individuals the use of personal gun for self-protection have been made. The study concluded that alternative security outfits are closer to the people and is therefore more effective than the government security agents. However, the use of these outfits must be supervised by the state or federal governments