Pop music is popularly referred to or suggested as the most acceptable music genre in contemporary societies around the world today. This perception is common amongst the youths in the contemporary society. In Nigeria, it is everyday music on media. The level of it acceptability has led to a culture of obsession among Nigerian youths, not merely as music to be enjoyed but also as window to money making venture, job creation opportunity and fame. Although, the categories of popular music in Nigeria includes highlife music, Afrobeat, Juju music, jazz, raps, hip pop, reggae, etc. The pop music on this discourse centred on the new trend of Hip pop music, Rhythm and Blues, Reggae and Rap music as prevalent in the Nigeria pop music scene today. These music genres commonly imbibe the juxtaposition of Nigerian and American pop music style which has become the trend in the twenty first century Nigerian pop music. However, it has not only put Nigerian pop stars on the face of global pop superstars but, it has also forced most Nigerian youths to search inward for potentials that could transform them into multimillionaires, million dollars’ job creators and famous artistes. Therefore, this paper examined pop music in Nigeria beyond its entertainment and enlightenment motivated, but with emphasis on its role in sustaining youth empowerment and development. Sample materials for the study includes, pop music show business in the University of Port Harcourt and its environs, young pop music artistes who depend on music skill as source of livelihood etc. Data was collected through personal observation, in-depth interviews and literature review. However, this paper observed that among other things, pop music has boosted the entrepreneurial skill for self-reliance and development amongst Nigerian youths. It has played a vital role in nation building via provision of employment, poverty alleviation and contribution to national economy.