Contraception and abortion remains a global socio-ethical problem – more so to religious traditions like Christianity. John Paul II, the Pope (1918-2015) perceived the same problem as a culture of death because it diminishes human dignity and divine content. Against this backdrop, the study considers contraception and abortion from the insights of John Paul II, concerning the critical implications for humanity. The study is a qualitative research skewed in phenomenological method of inquiry and analysis of the Nigerian experience. Findings show that contraception and abortion are recurrent practices among the single and the married. Even as the practice is not legalized, yet, it is common amongst the people. The individuality crisis, obscurity of the sense of the sacred and phony theories of morality in different ways offer alignment to understanding the Nigerian experience. The study identifies debasement of self-esteem, physical health hazards and mental-spiritual crisis as some of the consequences which build up to the culture of death. Towards reducing the rising culture of death there should be profound pedagogies on human life. Concerted enlightenment is also necessary.
Keywords: Contraception, Abortion, Social Ethics, Culture of death, Nigeria