Liberation theology as the name portends, has an undertone of freedom that is living on God. The word liberation, having is general and technical usage has now attached itself to movements, the theology of liberation from the 20th century. No abstract approach is needed in a complete study of this nature, because since humans are involved, aspects of social sciences and historical approach must apply in sourcing for solution. Equally important is the fact that doing a theology without recourse to God, is in itself not academic. Thus, a combination of approaches in doing theology and praises, is essential. An inevitable relationship between the church and society is paramount. While the church is supposed to maintain relevance to its geographical location; the society may not survive as an entity without the God, of the church striking the balance between these two poles in the pursuit of this study. Peaceful co-existence, political, development and modernization will emerge. The significance of liberation theology stands out clearly; on the grounds that the issues raised, become the fulcrum for nation building and nationhood.