For a long time probably since late 1980s the youths of this nation have been on bondage as a result of unemployment caused by faulty institutional structures, illiteracy, corruption and poor management of resources. Though unemployment is a global phenomenon, the situation in Nigeria has reached the crises state, yet it is reported by economists, super financial institutions such as World Ban that the yearly growth of Nigeria economy is 7.8 percent. However, this paper espouses that unemployment, illiteracy and faulty institutional, corruption are some of the factors responsible for National insecurity. That National insecurity is characterized by violence, kidnapping, assassinations, armed robbery, food insecurity, environmental insecurity and other vices in the nation. Youths form the bulk of unemployed and are burden to national security. Government should therefore build strong economic institutions and those already in place, be strengthened to create jobs for the youths. The power sector demands immediate attention for power is the heart-beat of the nation the informal and formal sector to drive the economy. Efforts should be made to encourage vocational, technical and entrepreneurial education in Nigeria — for self employment. Education should be made free and compulsory t least) secondary school level. Nigerians in Diaspora with capital should be encouraged to come home and invest. Corruption and mismanagement of our resources ought to be dealt with vigour.