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The Influence of School-type and School Category on Parental Support in Public Secondary Schools in Nyahururu and Laikipia West Districts, Kenya

JK Kiumi
SN Wanyoike
SM Kibe


Education is a critical correlate of a country.s development process. Kenya.s secondary level of education prepares learners for further education and training. However, there is a general feeling that parents are not fulfilling their role expectations in regard to enhancement of goal attainment in the country.s secondary schools. The paper presents findings of a study on level of parental support in public secondary schools in Nyahururu and Laikipia West Districts, Kenya. Parental support was investigated in relation to school-type (i.e., single sex visa vis co-educational) and school category (i.e., whether a school was boarding, day or day and boarding). Data were collected from 40 principals through a self-administered questionnaire. Nominal scale data were analysed through frequency counts and percentages, while ordinal scale data were analysed through X2 at .05 alpha level. Relationship between parental support and the selected school characteristics was statistically insignificant (p>.05). However, the highest rating of parental support was in girls. schools, boarding, and day and boarding schools, while the lowest rating was in boys and day schools. The study offers insights to the Ministry of Education and principals in regard to upgrading parental support in secondary schools. Moreover, other  researchers may be motivated to determine why parents in boys and day schools are less likely to partiner with their respective schools.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2227-5452
print ISSN: 2225-8590