The teacher is one of the most important factors in the business of teaching and learning. Before the introduction of information and communication technology, he was regarded the sole dispenser of knowledge. With ICT,s both the teachers, and students can access information. ICT also, brought with it new skills and methods of teaching and learning processes. So, for the teacher to remain relevant in this new information age, ICT must be integrated in their training. Therefore, this paper opts for the integration of ICT facilities in teacher training in Nigeria. The paper also identifies ICT facilities such as computer, internet, World Wide Web, E-mail, video conferencing, teleconferencing and teleprocessing as relevant in teacher education. It also identifies poor curriculum, and inadequate facilities as factors that can impair ICT use in teachers training. It reveals that the 21st century teacher needs his potentials enhanced in ICT to be able to harness the required skills and method of delivery in teaching/learning process. This study therefore, strongly posits for the integration of ICT in the training of teachers for the present Nigerian education system. To do this effectively ICT facilities and personnel should be made available especially at university level.